Mirei turned four months old today! I almost forgot to post her monthly photos/update because of Memorial Day weekend, but I am getting these posted before the day is over!

4 month old Mirei


4 month old Mirei


4 month old Mirei


4 month old Mirei


4 month old Mirei


4 month old Mirei


4 month old Mirei

(I’ll be taking photos of Mirei sitting in my white desk chair and wearing her monthly onesie every month until she’s one year old.)

Previous Photos:
One Month Old • Two Months Old • Three Months Old

The Rundown at Four Months…

Stats: You weigh approximately sixteen pounds now! Since a couple weeks ago, you’ve moved up to 9-month size clothing, because the 6-month sizes were getting too tight on you! We always joke about what a chubster you are, but we’re so thankful that you are such a healthy baby.

Things You’re Doing Now: About three weeks ago, you rolled over for the first time and have been getting better and better at it ever since! We’ll put you facing up on the playmat and within seconds, you’ll have already rolled over to your tummy. You try to twist your body to the side as if you’re trying to roll even while in the swing and bouncer, which has resulted in you ending up in uncomfortable positions while strapped into them. You also often attempt to lunge forward while in the swing or bouncer and sometimes almost fall out of them, so we really have to keep an eye on you at all times! You’re mastering tummy time and can hold your head and shoulders up pretty high, and you’re already scooting sideways sometimes by wiggling your arms and legs — a precursor to crawling! You smile so much more now, and we have recently started to hear more of your giggles — in fact, you were giggling during these monthly photos we took today, when we were doing peekaboo with you to get you to smile. You seem to be a bit camera-shy, and oftentimes when we point the camera or a phone in your direction to capture a moment, you’ll stop doing whatever it was we were trying to capture — you’re a tricky one! 😉 You really stare at our food when we’re eating so we can tell you’re already very interested! You often like to vigorously suck on your fingers, fists, and clothing, so we wonder if you may be teething soon. The past four months have just flown by, and we look forward to watching you continue to blossom!