Sweet baby girl turned 8 months old! Can’t believe she’s already 2/3 of the way to her first birthday. Here is our little cutie today…

8 month old Mirei


8 month old Mirei


8 month old Mirei


8 month old Mirei


8 month old Mirei


8 month old Mirei


8 month old Mirei

(I’ll be taking photos of Mirei sitting in my white desk chair and wearing her monthly onesie every month until she’s one year old.)

Previous Photos:
One Month Old • Two Months Old • Three Months Old • Four Months Old • Five Months Old • Six Months Old • Seven Months Old

The Rundown at Eight Months…

Things You’re Doing Now: You are cruising now! You still crawl around a lot too and have gotten extremely fast at it, but if there’s ever any sort of edge to pull yourself up on and support yourself with, you will find it, stand up, and shuffle back and forth along it. You’ll let go here and there, too, and be able to stand without support for several seconds at a time — and smile really wide when you do, too, to show that you are really excited and proud of your accomplishment! Although you were doing pretty well with solids during the first month, lately you frequently refuse certain foods, clamping your mouth shut and refusing to open it to let the food in. You can be very stubborn! You’re interacting more than ever with Mio now, following her around and wanting to grab at everything she’s playing with, wanting to play with her. Mio often gets frustrated and pushes you away, but you’ve begun to fight back by pushing back or just thrusting all your weight against her! I suppose these are the first of sibling squabbles… You can be very loud, both in your whining, crying, and babbling, and you often say things like “Na-na-na-na-na.” Because you’re constantly moving around lately, you are also prone to stumbling and at times hurting yourself. I vaguely remember this stage with Mio, and how I seriously contemplated buying a helmet for her head — maybe it’s not too late to find one… 😛