Good morning, sweet pea! You are five months old today. We can’t help but marvel at how much you’ve grown!
(I’ll be taking photos of Mio sitting in my white desk chair and wearing her monthly onesie every month until she’s one year old.)
Previous Photos:
One Month Old • Two Months Old • Three Months Old • Four Months Old
The Rundown at Five Months…
Stats: You weigh about 17 lbs 9 oz now! Although you’re just turning five months old, you’ve outgrown your 6-month size clothing and are now wearing 9-month clothes. In the past couple weeks, you’ve grown your first two teeth — right in the middle of your bottom gums!
Things You’re Doing Now: You are making our heads spin with how fast you’re growing! You’re really strong these days, and you love using your leg strength to bounce up and down in your doorway jumper, as well as push against the floor in an effort to stand when we hold you up. You’re not quite ready to sit up on your own yet, and so any efforts to do so always end in a faceplant. Your pediatrician told us that you may be late in becoming able to sit up, because you’re so heavy for your age! We’re totally fine with that, and just want to watch you grow and develop at your own pace. You are constantly reaching for things, especially our food. Just the other day during dinner, you grabbed a lemon wedge on Mommy’s plate and before she could stop you, you stuck it in your mouth! (You didn’t cry, but your face definitely showed the shock at how sour your prize was!) You’re chomping down on anything you can get your hands on, and your favorite toys to chew on are Sophie the Giraffe, your Winkel, and peacock Jacques (or as your Daddy likes to call him, “Jacques, Le Peacock!” with a heavy emphasis on the French accent. :P). You sleep approximately ten hours every night, and are awake for much of the daytime, only napping for thirty minutes to an hour a couple times a day. You definitely know who we are, and your eyes always follow me around the room, especially when I’m getting ready to go to work (which makes it that much harder for me to leave you!). You love going on walks with Grandma in the stroller and with Mommy in the BabyBjorn carrier, and you always stare about in wonder at the world around you. Dearest Mio, we want to show you everything that’s beautiful in this world… although in our eyes, you top all of those things!
September 2, 2011 @ 8:35 am
Awww. lol at the lemon wedge!
These stories are always so sweet Misono! 🙂
Hope you have a good extended weekend with Miss Mio~
September 3, 2011 @ 1:46 am
Thank you Ashly! 🙂 I’m glad you enjoy the stories; I like to jot them down here so I don’t forget them when she’s older.
Hope you have a great Labor Day weekend as well!!!
September 2, 2011 @ 8:47 am
yay! sof luvs her jacques les peacock too! guess i’m not the only one who calls him that! 😉 luv the monthly white onesie! gr8 idea!
September 3, 2011 @ 1:47 am
haha* That’s funny that you and Dan both call Jacques that! It’s quite the popular toy, huh? 😀
September 2, 2011 @ 1:11 pm
Why is this kid so cute?! <3
September 3, 2011 @ 1:49 am
I’m not sure… I’m still a little confused as to how my DNA was able to produce such cuteness! lol.
September 2, 2011 @ 2:17 pm
OMG, what a fatty!! ;D
September 3, 2011 @ 1:50 am
I know! She has so many rolls… 😛
September 2, 2011 @ 4:05 pm
She has such big, beautiful eyes! 🙂
September 3, 2011 @ 1:50 am
Aww, thank you Hannie! I wish you could see her now! She’s grown so much since you last saw her… 🙂
September 3, 2011 @ 4:47 pm
she’s so squeezable 🙂
September 5, 2011 @ 1:47 am
Indeed she is! 😀
Eight Months Old. | Blooming by the Bay
December 2, 2011 @ 12:46 am
[…] Photos: One Month Old • Two Months Old • Three Months Old • Four Months Old • Five Months Old • Six Months Old • Seven Months […]
Ten Months Old. | Blooming by the Bay
February 2, 2012 @ 8:18 am
[…] Photos: One Month Old • Two Months Old • Three Months Old • Four Months Old • Five Months Old • Six Months Old • Seven Months Old • Eight Months Old • Nine Months […]
Eleven Months Old. | Blooming by the Bay
March 2, 2012 @ 7:06 am
[…] Photos: One Month Old • Two Months Old • Three Months Old • Four Months Old • Five Months Old • Six Months Old • Seven Months Old • Eight Months Old • Nine Months Old • Ten Months […]