Happy one month birthday, Mio! I can’t believe how fast time is flying and how big you have gotten already.

One Month Old

One Month Old
One Month Old

One Month Old

One Month Old

One Month Old

One Month Old
One Month Old

Mio Elise Allen ~ month-by-month

(I’ll be taking photos of Mio sitting in my white desk chair and wearing her monthly onesie every month until she’s one year old.)

The Rundown at One Month…

Stats: I can’t believe how fast you are growing! Strangers we run into while we’re out think you are at least a couple months old and are always surprised to hear that you’re actually only a month. I have no idea how much you weigh now because we don’t have a baby scale at home, but I can feel that you are already noticeably heavier than you were a couple weeks ago. You outgrew the newborn size diapers at 3 weeks, and last week was probably your last week fitting into your newborn size clothes — they were getting quite tight! You still have the impressive head of hair you had from birth, and your hair is not quite jet-black — it’s actually quite brownish, and the nurse at the hospital commented on how you had highlights from birth! It will probably get darker with time and as you lose your first cycle of hair, as they say newborns do during their first few months. You had a pretty bad case of baby acne but it’s finally starting to recede a little in the last couple days, much to Mommy’s relief. You continue to exude that intoxicatingly sweet newborn smell (except, of course, when you have a poopy diaper).

Things You’re Doing Now: Your eyes seem like they are able to focus and track objects now, and Mommy is elated that you now gaze back into her eyes instead of her always just gazing into yours. Your smiles are still reflexive and fleeting, but they give us a preview of how your social smiles will look in a couple months. We are entertained daily by the wide array of expressions that frequently play across your face. You’ve been more awake and alert for longer periods during the daytime, and often fuss if you are not held during these times. You love when Daddy comes home and carries you around in the Baby Bjorn, and usually within minutes you blissfully fall asleep against his chest. You’ve been able to hold your pacifier against your mouth since birth, although you sometimes reject said pacifier depending on your mood. You seem to love bathtime — although you initially tense up when we put you in the water, you immediately relax and enjoy soaking in the warm bath… until you burst into tears when we take you out. While you’re asleep, you often jolt and twitch like you’re having hypnic jerks, which makes both Daddy and I chuckle. Sometimes you’ll startle us with a sudden, loud cry, to which we’ll come running and find that you’re still silently asleep. Lately, you have started to coo from time to time in your sleep as well, which we find pretty darn cute.

We can’t wait to see what else you have in store for us in the coming months!