It’s been so cold lately that I dread taking the girls outside! On days that Mio doesn’t have preschool, she tends to get cabin fever because we stay cooped up indoors. Here are some photos I snapped last Thursday afternoon, when the sunlight poured through the windows despite the wintry temperatures, illuminating Mio’s room where the girls were playing.
Can’t believe this little cutie is going to turn one soon!
Puckering up for the camera!
Mirei pulling hairclips out of Mio’s hair.
Mio loves these animal pop-ons from her grandparents in California, and plays with them all the time, even nearly two years later.
Mirei loves to get into other people’s accessories (Mio’s, mine, and even my sister’s) and she now knows how to put headbands and hats on herself. It’s so funny to see how she accessorizes her outfits!
Mirei being fabulous with her Missoni for Target onesie, fur vest, and glittering gold crown.
Grabbing Auntie’s hat
From cute baby girl…
…to DOPE little lady. (Another hat stolen from Auntie Miwa)
Mirei turned eleven months old on Christmas Day, and she showed us some of her most beaming smiles yet on Christmas morning! She melted our hearts as we snapped these photos. Happy first Christmas and eleven months, Mirei!
(I’ll be taking photos of Mirei sitting in my white desk chair and wearing her monthly onesie every month until she’s one year old.)
Stats: You have a total of five teeth completely grown in now, and have quite a strong set of chompers! Your height seems to have stayed the same, and your weight gain seems to have slowed considerably as well, especially since you’re walking so much everywhere now!
Things You’re Doing Now: You are starting to communicate more with us now, and are using some of the baby signs that we’ve taught you, especially “more.” You’re starting to understand routines, and immediately make your way to the bathroom when it’s time for baths, and start trying to climb into the bathtub with your sister even before we’ve had a chance to take your diaper off! You sputter, “pai pai” (just like Mio did!) when you want to nurse, and you seem to understand and respond much more to our questions and conversations in general. You’re eating many of the same foods that we eat at mealtime, as long as they are not too strong in flavor and cut up small enough. You seem to love rice, and like the rest of the family, already love natto! You love using your pointer finger to poke everything, whether it be the “home” button of our phones, trying to stab our eyes, or to try to probe into our open mouths. It seems like poking is your way of exploring! You’ve completely mastered walking in the last couple months and rarely ever stumble! When we outstretch our arms towards you, you immediately come running to us to receive your hug, with a smile so wide and happy that it melts our hearts. You’re interacting with your sister more and more every day, and it’s sweet to see you two playing alongside each other with toys, even if it often ends with a tug-o-war of you two fighting over something. It’s amazing how fast time flies, and that next installment will be the last of your monthly photos!
On Christmas Eve, I dressed up the girls in matching dresses (thanks to my cousin Yuko!) to take some cute photos of them together. It didn’t quite go as planned, with two wild and rambunctious little girls who refused to stand still — they turned out more comical than picture-perfect!
Is it just me or does it look like Mio is trying to fix a wedgie?
Still working on it, as Mirei tries to lead her towards me
Mirei got ahold of the lens cap!
Mirei-monsta coming towards me!
Crazy girls!
Hoping this would work better with them seated… but Mio is not in the mood.
Mirei is ecstatic, but Mio’s face is asking, “How much longer do I need to sit next to her???”
Finally a smile! But then Mirei is not smiling…
I figured that since I couldn’t get a shot with them both smiling, I’d turn one of the photos into an homage to one of my favorite memes. Oh, sisterhood…
With the holiday season comes so much joy and laughter, and this month was definitely full of funny and sweet moments brought to us by our little girls! Here are some moments that brought smiles (and at times, uncontainable laughter) to our faces!
Mio making “alphabet soup” with her fridge magnets
Mirei creeping up from behind… Mirei LOVES playing with the mixing bowls and strainers.
Mio making funny voices, trying to imitate Minnie Mouse:
Look at Mirei’s ecstatic smile! They are so happy that Daddy’s home from work.
Group hug! So sweet… TGIF for the Daddy’s girls.
The girls listening to the talking Mother Goose doll sent to them from their grandparents in California:
Mio’s preschool had a pajama day, for when Santa came to visit them.Â
Mirei climbed into a cardboard box, we turned it into a makeshift bed… and it did not end well.
Mirei leaning against and hugging her Ojiichan. ♥ So sweet!
Mio on her last day of school of 2014. She came back with lots of Christmas-themed crafts, along with little treats and gifts from her teachers and classmates!
Mio randomly said this repeatedly one night…
Who is “John”?! We actually don’t know any Johns…?
Mio is excited to try Snocream! (Taiwanese shaved ice served out of a bus! Love the ice cube seats.)
A multitasking Daddy!
Mio discovered her purple velour tracksuit twinsie at the grocery store!
…before she fell asleep in the cart. Narcolepsy strikes again!
Mio reading the library book we had borrowed for Mirei. She still loves baby books, and she’s still my baby. ♥
We hope these silly and heartwarming moments bring you some holiday cheer! Can’t believe it’s already Christmas tomorrow!