I wrote last November about how I wanted to create a Classic Pooh-themed nursery for baby Mio, and realized I never posted photos of the finished nursery! Unfortunately, since we rent and don’t own our place, we couldn’t paint the room nor use decals that could potentially damage the walls. But we did our best with the space we had, and the framed Classic Pooh prints that were given to us from our baby shower ended up being the perfect alternative to wall decals! (Thank you Megumi and Sam! ♥)
The finished crib!
...yet to be slept in, since Mio still sleeps in her bassinet.
The mobile we borrowed from the Bowlings. 🙂
Sleep Sheep, a gift from Pat and Theo! 🙂
Classic Pooh crib bedding... love the print on the sheets and the crib bumper!
Our changing table and dresser combo.
Where the dirty business happens.
The diaper organizer, where clean diapers go...
...and the diaper pail, where dirty diapers go. (We got the Munchkin one that uses baking soda to keep odors to a minimum!)
You can never have enough burp cloths and wash towels...
Inside the dresser, I have Mio's baby clothes rolled, layered, and organized by size. (I have to put away the newborn sizes now though...)
Sleepwear, bath towels, and accessories.
Apparently, you can never have enough blankets either!
Mio's little laundry hamper... We end up doing her laundry more often than ours!
Classic Pooh prints from our baby shower, courtesy of Megumi and Sam.
We hung them above the changing table... I love the subtle colors and the Classic Pooh illustrations are simply adorable!
Bathtime toiletries and some baby gifts...
Mio's cradle swing, which helps Mommy rest her arms once in a while...
Mio asleep in her bassinet. We're thinking of transitioning her to the crib soon....
This concludes the tour of Mio’s little nursery. I’m so glad we were able to fit everything in! (I can’t believe how much stuff babies need.) There’s so much more I would have liked to do had we had more space and creative freedom, but all things considered, I’m pretty content with the finished nursery!
Happy one month birthday, Mio! I can’t believe how fast time is flying and how big you have gotten already.
(I’ll be taking photos of Mio sitting in my white desk chair and wearing her monthly onesie every month until she’s one year old.)
The Rundown at One Month…
Stats: I can’t believe how fast you are growing! Strangers we run into while we’re out think you are at least a couple months old and are always surprised to hear that you’re actually only a month. I have no idea how much you weigh now because we don’t have a baby scale at home, but I can feel that you are already noticeably heavier than you were a couple weeks ago. You outgrew the newborn size diapers at 3 weeks, and last week was probably your last week fitting into your newborn size clothes — they were getting quite tight! You still have the impressive head of hair you had from birth, and your hair is not quite jet-black — it’s actually quite brownish, and the nurse at the hospital commented on how you had highlights from birth! It will probably get darker with time and as you lose your first cycle of hair, as they say newborns do during their first few months. You had a pretty bad case of baby acne but it’s finally starting to recede a little in the last couple days, much to Mommy’s relief. You continue to exude that intoxicatingly sweet newborn smell (except, of course, when you have a poopy diaper).
Things You’re Doing Now: Your eyes seem like they are able to focus and track objects now, and Mommy is elated that you now gaze back into her eyes instead of her always just gazing into yours. Your smiles are still reflexive and fleeting, but they give us a preview of how your social smiles will look in a couple months. We are entertained daily by the wide array of expressions that frequently play across your face. You’ve been more awake and alert for longer periods during the daytime, and often fuss if you are not held during these times. You love when Daddy comes home and carries you around in the Baby Bjorn, and usually within minutes you blissfully fall asleep against his chest. You’ve been able to hold your pacifier against your mouth since birth, although you sometimes reject said pacifier depending on your mood. You seem to love bathtime — although you initially tense up when we put you in the water, you immediately relax and enjoy soaking in the warm bath… until you burst into tears when we take you out. While you’re asleep, you often jolt and twitch like you’re having hypnic jerks, which makes both Daddy and I chuckle. Sometimes you’ll startle us with a sudden, loud cry, to which we’ll come running and find that you’re still silently asleep. Lately, you have started to coo from time to time in your sleep as well, which we find pretty darn cute.
We can’t wait to see what else you have in store for us in the coming months!
To a newborn baby, not much. But for the parents, coming up with the perfect name for their child can be a daunting and overwhelming task. The name is one of the first ways you define who your baby is, and it’s a gift that your child will carry with them throughout their life. When it came to deciding on Mio’s name, it was a long and difficult process. We started brainstorming names for her the moment we found out that she was going to be a girl, but it still took us a couple months to decide what would be the perfect name for our baby daughter.
There was one thing that Dan and I agreed on from the outset, and that was that we wanted to give our daughter a Japanese first name. Asian American parents typically give their children Western first names and reserve the middle name to showcase their ethnic heritage (be it Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc.). We had considered this more popular route, but unlike most Asian American families who have a last name that is markedly Asian, our surname is “Allen,” which is a very common Western last name. I have no problem with the surname — in fact, I embraced the simplicity of it, especially after having had to constantly correct people on the spelling and pronunciation of my Japanese maiden name (which was “Yokoyama”) for the first twenty-five years of my life. However, when it came to the naming of our child, if we chose to give her a Western first name, paired with the last name “Allen,” there would be virtually no indication of her ethnic heritage — something I felt strongly against becoming lost.
My Japanese heritage and cultural legacy is something that has always been influential and important in my life, and  my appreciation for it is something that I feel strongly about passing onto our children. Since our child is three-fourths Japanese in her ethnic makeup, we wanted to make sure that her Japanese heritage came into play in a prominent way in her name. Slipping a Japanese name in as a middle name just didn’t feel like enough for us in our case — I feel like middle names are rarely used nor noticed except on paper in official documentation and records. I didn’t have a middle name for much of my life until my maiden name became my middle name, so I may not have the same experience as those who did, but I had never really thought about my lack of a middle name because I rarely missed having one. The slot of the middle name is sometimes even used as a place of “name shame,” kind of the same way one would lock a crazy aunt in the attic — for example, parents who feel obligated to name their child after a family member with an outdated name they’re not crazy about will sometimes sneak it in as a middle name, hoping that it will go relatively unnoticed in their child’s life. We decided that we would rather give our child a Japanese name as a first name, rather than as a middle name where it would likely be overlooked and forgotten.
As united as we were on that front, choosing a Japanese name that worked for us was not easy. I bought a baby name book in Japanese and went through it, compiling a list of over twenty names that I liked. I read them all off to Dan, who then rejected almost every single one of them because they were too difficult to pronounce for Americans, or sounded too much something silly in English. As pretty as some of the names sounded to me, I was looking at them from a Japanese perspective, knowing what Chinese characters (or kanji) were being used and the cultural context behind those names. Dan brought an objective American perspective to the table, being completely ignorant of the background behind the names — and as frustrating as that was for me, I had to acknowledge the fact that as long as our child was going to grow up in the States, most people would perceive the name the same way that Dan was. How would they know otherwise? I had to take into consideration how the average American would perceive the name. I brought my parents and other family members into the discussion to see what they had to say, which only complicated matters, as they had their own ideas of what they thought were good traditional Japanese names. It was enough to make me want to just give up and keep our fruit nicknaming system from pregnancy and extend it beyond utero — “Papaya Allen” didn’t sound so bad at that point.
After a while, I decided to stop shopping around for other people’s opinions and put my foot down that the baby’s name would be something Dan and I decided on our own. We would not tell anyone the name until the baby was born, to avoid any unwanted and uninvited comments about whether someone approved or disapproved of the name. We figured that while people will say what they want about a baby’s potential name while she’s still in the womb, it was a lot harder for them to openly deprecate a name once it was already tacked onto a living, breathing human being that was placed before them.
Because we were blessed with a daughter in the springtime, I wanted to find a way to incorporate an element of the season into her name. I love the deep meanings and cultural context that various flowers have in Japanese culture — for example, plum blossoms are said to symbolize wifely fidelity because they bloom when other flowers won’t, in the cold and snow of early spring. I toyed with a variety of seasonal spring names and flower-based names, but I just kept coming back to a desire to incorporate the cherry blossom into the name. Those that know me well know that cherry blossoms have always been my favorite flower — I have a habit of collecting all pretty things that have cherry blossoms on them, my wedding theme was cherry blossoms, and I still miss seeing the multitude of cherry blossom trees that bloom every spring around the Tidal Basin of the Potomac back in Washington, DC. The ephemeral nature of the cherry blossoms remind us of the transience of life — characterized by their breathtaking beauty when in bloom and their swift death shortly afterwards, the blossoms have often been regarded as a symbol of mortality by the Japanese, and prominently appears in various forms of Japanese art, music and culture. Cherry blossoms, despite their fleeting lifetime every spring, still effloresce and flourish every year, and quickly but gracefully wilt away once they have reached their peak. Because of its short lifetime and the way they wilt so quickly, some discourage the incorporation of cherry blossoms into one’s name, but I feel that cherry blossoms are a reminder of the brevity and delicate aspect of our own human lives, and the importance of living each day to the fullest with no regrets, as if it were our last. I certainly do not wish a fleeting lifespan for our daughter, but I do hope that she will thrive and enrich her own life as well as others’ and appreciate and make the most of each and every day in her precious lifetime.
That is when we came across the name Mio (美桜) — written with the Chinese characters, “beauty” and “cherry blossom,” it literally translates to “beauty of the cherry blossom(s)”. While the phonetic name has been around for quite some time, the name with the pairing of these particular Chinese characters has only made its appearance in recent years. It’s been steadily gaining popularity within the past decade, though, and according to the 2010 ranking of Japanese baby names, it ranked as the fifth most popular girl name of 2010. It is a refreshing modern name, that draws upon the very traditional element of the cherry blossom, which has a lot of historical and cultural significance in Japan. It is a name that sounds adorable for a little girl, but has a timeless elegance that will carry her through adulthood as well. Finally, the name is short and is easy to both spell and pronounce for Americans, compared to a lot of other Japanese names. The way it is read is mee-oh, which I feel is pretty straightforward.
There were a few other names that we were also considering, but Mio always stuck out to both of us as a favorite. Once I was in the third trimester, Dan started calling my pregnant belly by the name and it was very natural. (I’m sure the baby appreciated finally having a real name instead of being called a different fruit every week!) It was then that we knew with assurance that we had finally found the perfect name.
For the middle name, we opted to choose a Western name, and the process was much easier. There were a handful of girl names that I have always loved, so it was only a matter of deciding which one flowed best with the rest of the name. Ever since I was a little girl taking piano lessons, I loved Beethoven’s “Für Elise” (English translation: “For Elise”), and used to play it — or a slightly butchered version of it — over and over on the piano. I loved the name for its classic elegance, and feel like it is a name that has and will always be beautiful in any era. Currently ranked at #218 for baby girl names in the United States, I liked that it is not as ubiquitous and common as some of the latest “trendy” names, but that it is still recognizable as a beautiful girl’s name. The name “Elise” has French roots and is a variant of the more common “Elizabeth,” and apparently means “God’s promise” or “God is my oath.” There are some variations on how to spell the name, such as Elyse and Elisse, but the classic original spelling appealed to us the most. The name was hands-down Dan’s favorite among the ones we were considering (though I have a strong suspicion that his love for the Lotus Elise sports car had something to do with it… :P), and so the search for the middle name was pretty quick and painless.
So that is the story of how we named our daughter, Mio Elise Allen.
Finding the perfect name for her was a process we wrestled with for a long time, but now we can’t imagine her being called by any other name. We love her name, and we hope that she grows to love it, too.
As an aside, I don’t know what we are going to do if we ever have a son… I looked through every single boy name in the baby name books just out of curiosity, but couldn’t find a single boy name that I liked. Not a single one! I suppose we’ll cross that bridge when we get there….
Mio turned three weeks old yesterday, and at her 2-week checkup last Wednesday, she weighed in at 9 pounds, 2 ounces and measured 21 inches long. She is growing fast, and I cried this morning when she graduated to size 1 diapers because the newborn size was getting too tight for her.
To be honest, I had never been a fan of the newborn stage, and during pregnancy I repeatedly told Dan that I wished babies came out of the womb walking and talking, because I thought they were so much cuter and more interesting at that stage. But now that I have my very own little newborn, I can’t bear how fast time is flying. There’s something so sweet about how tiny, helpless, and innocent they are during this time, and there are dozens of moments every day that I want to freeze time so that I can preserve the feeling of her little body snuggled up against me. There is no rewind button in life, nor any way to preserve and bottle these fleeting moments, and an overwhelming sadness consumes me when I think that I will have to rely on memory alone to remember these first weeks spent with my little darling. While I look forward to watching her grow and thrive, there’s a part of me that’s not willing to let go of the way she is right now. I need to slow down and appreciate this chapter because before I know it, it will be gone.
Dan and I have been snapping a lot of photos and video of Mio so that we can at least capture this time on camera…
Taken from my phone... Poor Mio has been breaking out in baby acne this week.
This past week, Mio has been awake for longer periods of time during the daytime (usually the afternoon). I’ll try putting her in her swing or bassinet to try to lull her to sleep, but she fusses and will only calm when she’s held or strapped to me in a baby carrier. My mother and other older moms warn me against holding her too much because it might spoil her and get her to used to being held (called dakiguse — 抱ãç™– — in Japanese), but I honestly don’t believe that a baby can be manipulative or be spoiled at such a young age. Crying is the only way that newborns know how to communicate. To me, it’s heartwarming to see your baby calm and fall asleep as soon as you hold her close because all she wanted was to cuddle with her mama.
That said, there are some times during the day that I need to put her down for a while so that I can take care of other things around the house… I wondered how I could trick her into thinking that she was still being held so that she’d continue sleeping, and I heard that it helps to put something that smells like you near them. So I tried placing Mio within my nursing pillow once she fell asleep in my arms….
Mio looking mildly uncomfortable but still asleep on the Brest Friend.
Alas, she woke up after a while, catching on that something was amiss.
I tried again, and found that this position worked much better. I heard that nursing pillows like the Brest Friend and the Boppy are also great for tummy time! 🙂
Nothing beats sleeping in next to Daddy on a Saturday morning, though...
Sporting the Batgirl onesie that our friends Jen and Juli got for her. We love it!
We’ll conclude with this short video of Mio with her pacifier. The night after Mio was born, the nurses took her away for some testing, after which they gave her a pacifier to soothe her crying. They brought her back with a smile, saying that all the nurses had been impressed by how she was able to hold her pacifier in her mouth with her hand. Sure enough, when she is in the mood to take the pacifier, she’ll bring one of her hands up and hold the pacifier in against her mouth, so that it doesn’t fall out. Pretty remarkable!
Last Sunday, we took Mio down to San Jose to meet some very special people…. She got all dressed up in her Sunday best before making the drive down.
Mio in her vintage bonnet and dress, a lovely gift from our dear friend Tarrin.
My little blue belle ♥ Can't get enough of this adorable outfit!
Mio got to meet her great-grandmother Eileen! She is Dan’s paternal grandmother. 🙂
Mio with her great-grandmother, who still looks lovely at 92 years old.
Mio stretching in her great-grandmother's arms.
Little Mio also had the honor of being welcomed by her great-aunts!
Mio smiling up at her great-aunts.
Getting doted on by lovely great-aunt Mary.
Mio with her sweet great-aunt Monica and grandmother
Mio with her grandparents, great-grandmother and great-aunts!
With her Daddy this time... four generations of Allens!
Great-grandmother Eileen gave Mio a beautiful layette, and her great-aunts got her a portable swing! 🙂 We were very thankful for the generous gifts.
A portable swing for Mio. Great for travel and to take on-the-go!
Mio with Mommy. ♥
We enjoyed a delicious homemade dinner with everyone, and it was really nice seeing grandma Eileen and Dan’s aunts again, since we hadn’t been able to make it down to visit in a while. We were touched by their hospitality and were thrilled that Mio got to meet some of the wonderful ladies of the Allen family!
Mio ended up sleeping for most of our time there… I suppose it’s a lot of work being a newborn!
"This baby gig is pretty sweet but tiring... I'm pooped!"