Mirei is now one year old! It’s amazing how fast a year flies by, and I feel like it passes even faster with the second child! I can’t believe this is the last of our monthly photo series of you, and it makes me a little sad to see it come to an end, despite how much work it has been. I’m so glad we’ve been able to document your growth like this, though, as you have really grown up so fast in the past year that it’s really been a blur! I know we’ll look back on these photos and updates with fondness and smiles for years to come, just as we have done with your sister’s.

Twelve Months Old


Twelve Months Old


Twelve Months Old


Twelve Months Old


Twelve Months Old


Twelve Months Old


Twelve Months Old

(I’ve been taking photos of Mirei sitting in my white desk chair and wearing her monthly onesie every month until she’s one year old.)

Previous Photos:
One Month Old • Two Months Old • Three Months Old • Four Months Old • Five Months Old • Six Months Old • Seven Months Old • Eight Months Old • Nine Months Old • Ten Months Old • Eleven Months Old

The Rundown at Twelve Months…

Stats: You now weigh 23 lbs 6 oz, and measure 29.5 inches tall! You have seven teeth now, if you include the new ones that are each almost fully grown in from the top and bottom. Your hair has grown significantly in the past couple months, and we joke that it looks like you’re sporting a mullet! You’ve nearly outgrown the 18 month size in clothes, and we’re moving you up to 24 months now.

Things You’re Doing Now: You are more curious than ever, and we’ll find that you’ll find things from different rooms that you’ve snuck into around the house, and move objects from here and there. Sometimes, we’ll have been looking for a missing item for days, only to find you randomly walking around with it, as if you had found it for us! You love oranges and clementines and if you’re able to get your hands on one, you’ll run off with it and dig your teeth into them, and we often find them lying around after you’ve given up on them with bite marks and missing patches all over the outside peel. You have a voracious appetite and love eating, and are curious and eager to try everything we’re eating. You even picked up a big kid’s juicebox the other day and just started drinking out of it — we were surprised you knew exactly what to do, when you’ve never had a juicebox before! You love to get ahold of my phone and press down the “home” button until voice control comes up — you’ve called several of my contacts by accident this way, much to my chagrin. I can already see that you’ve got a stubborn side to you and when you’re upset, you definitely let us know it by letting out very high-pitched, shrill screams and wails. You repeat sounds (like sighs and scowls), as well as simple words, and you now say “bye-bye” and wave when seeing people leave. We’re concerned because you have been scratching your back and waist area a lot lately (perhaps due to the wintry air drying your skin out), and it’s left some really visible red scratchmarks on your backside — but otherwise, you’re very healthy, and we’re thankful for that. You and Mio have really started doing more things together, and it really warms our hearts to see you both dancing to music together (your dance moves being bopping up and down), chasing each other around screaming, or her doing peekaboo from behind either side of your chair and you giggling your head off! You love everyone in your family so much, and we are always taken by how much love and affection you always want to give — that’s probably why you’ve won so many of other people’s hearts, too!