Happy ten months, Mirei! She hit some big milestones this past month — here’s the latest on what our sweetheart’s been up to…

Ten Months Old


Ten Months Old


Ten Months Old
We call this her “Dan face”… if you look at old baby photos of Dan, he has this exact same expression.


Ten Months Old
Not having it…


Ten Months Old
Why aren’t you picking me up already?!


Ten Months Old


Ten Months Old


Ten Months Old


(I’ll be taking photos of Mirei sitting in my white desk chair and wearing her monthly onesie every month until she’s one year old.)

Previous Photos:
One Month Old • Two Months Old • Three Months Old • Four Months Old • Five Months Old • Six Months Old • Seven Months Old • Eight Months Old • Nine Months Old

The Rundown at Ten Months…

Stats: At your doctor’s appointment a few weeks ago, you weighed 22 lbs 9 oz, so we’re pretty sure that you must weigh around 23 lbs by now! You measured 29.5 inches tall, and have a head circumference of 18 inches… all three of the growth measurements are above the 90th percentile! A lot of strangers that see you are surprised to hear that you are still under one year old because you’re so big and active for your age. It seems like your weight gain is tapering off, and you may even be losing a little bit of your chunkiness between all the moving you’ve been doing and the fact that you got sick a couple weeks ago and didn’t have as much of an appetite. Your top two teeth have completely grown in now, and a third one is emerging… making it a total of five teeth you have now!

Things You’re Doing Now: You took your first steps the day after you turned nine months old, and you’ve been perfecting your walk this past month! You rarely stumble now (and when you do, you know how to expertly land on your tooshie), and you’ve gotten really fast at walking! You’ll walk a few laps around the dining table, and can power walk across the room in a matter of seconds if you see someone you desperately want a hug from! You love getting held, and it feels like you’ve gotten clingier than usual in the past few weeks — you get very upset if we put you down for even a few seconds, and are showing signs of major separation anxiety! You also don’t smile as readily to strangers anymore, so maybe that shyness/”stranger danger” sense is kicking in. We are impressed with some of the cognitive ability that you’ve been exhibiting, like remembering exactly where to find certain things that are stowed away in drawers, and opening them to access them. You react to certain words with upset cries or excitement, showing that you understand some of the words that we use often. You like having “conversations” with us, repeating certain simple syllables with very expressive tones — sometimes softspoken and affectionate, other times bossy and demanding. You have quite an appetite, and want to try everything we’re eating! You’re really strong and are always trying to wriggle away during your diaper changes, and have started pushing against us with all your weight in protest at times. Your smiles are the best — big and wide, and can light up the room! Everyone that meets you seems enamored with you as you are quite the charmer. We are so thankful that we get to enjoy these precious smiles every day!