Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids

On Saturday, we ended Mio’s birthday week with a party with a bunch of her little friends at Mobu Kids in Falls Church! Mobu Kids is a local private play studio (similar to Gymboree) and we thought it’d be a fun place to host the party so that the kids could have enjoy all kinds of play and activities. The staff there were great in that they really engaged the kids, helped out a lot with set-up and did most of the clean-up, and kept the party on schedule. It was still a little chaotic (as is expected with 20+ toddlers and preschoolers), but our stress level was significantly reduced because of them!

Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
The tables set up for the party, complete with party hats and noisemakers.


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
Mio checking out the party room before her friends arrive.


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
Mio with her scrunchy-face she makes when she’s super happy!


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
With more of a normal smile this time!


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
Cupcakes with custom acrylic toppers that I designed and Dan cut out of with a CNC cutter.


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
Mio loves ice cream, so I decided on an ice cream shoppe theme for her birthday party. These are cupcakes I baked in cake cones to look like ice cream!


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
Homemade sugar cookies, also in the ice cream theme.


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
Mio got an early start on playtime in the gym while the guest started arriving.


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
Instructor-led play in the gym.


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
Making music together!


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
Pat with her adorable girls Cara and Anna


The kids shaking their little egg shakers to the “Milkshake!” song.


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
Playing with the parachute!


A video of the kids playing with the parachute:


The bubbles were also a huge hit!


After nearly an hour of playtime, the instructors got the kids cleaned up and moved to the party room, where we enjoyed pizza and desserts!


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
Time to eat! The kids all looked so adorable in their party hats!


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
The party room got quite loud with all the noisemakers going off, too.


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
Cutiepies eating at the table.


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
This may just be the cutest photo from the party… Mie and 7 month old Avonlea!


We got a video of everyone singing Happy Birthday and Mio blowing out the candle. Mio looks so happy!


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
Mio enjoying her cupcake cone. Look at that content smile!


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
With Daddy and Mommy… Mio is too focused on her cupcake.


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
Finally got her to look at the camera!


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
Ice cream-themed goody bags I made for the kids to take home. They were filled with stickers, ice cream cone punch poppers, erasers, and more sugar cookies.


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
Mio and Kailee squeezing in some more playtime before the party was over.


Mio's Birthday Party at Mobu Kids
Cutiepies. So glad Mio and her friends had fun!


We’re so glad all of Mio’s friends and their families could make it out to celebrate Mio turning three. Some of our guests came from pretty far, so we’re really thankful that they made the trek out! It was so great seeing everyone, and Mio had so much fun — she’s been talking about the party ever since. Thank you to everyone who helped make her birthday so special for her! ♥