Last Saturday, we went to a holiday potluck party with friends. Everyone brought such delicious food, and we also had a Secret Santa gift exchange. It was great seeing a lot of my high school girlfriends again, even some I hadn’t seen in years! Special thanks to Lucy for hosting the fun gathering at her lovely home.

By the Christmas tree
My best friend Debbie and I in front of the Christmas tree. 🙂


Holiday party at Lucy's
Enjoying delicious food and chatting with friends


Calming down in Daddy's arms
Mio was anxious and overwhelmed by all the people at first, and wanted to be held for the first half of the party.


Opening Secret Santa Gifts
Beginning the Secret Santa gift exchange! It was fun to find out who each person’s gifter was!


High school friends reunited
The girls opening presents. I was Yonmi’s Secret Santa!


Mimi opening her gift


I got the Naked palette! Thanks Ploi. :)
My Secret Santa was Ploi, and she got me the Naked palette from Urban Decay! I was so surprised! I’ve heard so much about the Naked palette, and was so delighted to receive it. Thank you Ploi ♥


Revealing each other's Secret Santas
Revealing each other’s Secret Santas


Admiring the palette with Mio
Mio was really curious about my gift.


Mio checking out the Naked palette
Already a fan of makeup, she grabbed the box and wouldn’t let it go.


...trying to eat it.
…and then she tried to eat it.


Mio checking out the Christmas ornaments
Mio warmed up to everyone a lot more after a while, and started checking out the Christmas ornaments and running up to everyone.


I was so surprised when in the middle of the party, my friends turned off some of the lights and started singing “Happy Birthday,” bringing over a birthday pie lit with candles! I was so touched. :’)

Getting surprised by a birthday pie!
A sweet surprise!


Thank you everyone! Special thanks to Debbie for the pie.
Thank you everyone! Special thanks to Debbie for buying the pie from Pie Sisters – it was so delicious!


So much good food at the holiday party!
There was so much good food at the holiday party!


We're both moms now!
I hadn’t seen Yonmi since college! We’re both moms now. 🙂


A family picture. :)
A family picture!


We had a wonderful time at the holiday party, and it didn’t go too late so we were able to get back in time for Mio’s bedtime!

Mio and Mama before bedtime
My nightly routine of reading a few books to Mio before bedtime.


Reading together
Reading together ♥ One of my favorite moments together.