Today is February 29, which only comes around once every four years! I have a couple friends whose birthday lands on this day, and we frequently joke about how they are only seven years old if we count how many times they’ve actually experienced February 29 come around. So happy once-every-four-years birthday, Jonathan and Emily! 🙂

I can’t believe February is already coming to an end and we’re one-sixth into the year already! I felt like the year has just begun and time’s a-wastin’, but I have to remember that I don’t always need to be in a rush. I need to slow down and enjoy every day for what it is… especially the time I get to spend with my baby girl!


Squinty smile :)


It was so warm for a while, but then it got cold again… we’re all staying bundled up, including Mio! Here she is taking a walk with her cute hooded cape from Yuko! Looks like her teru teru bozu hood from a few months ago, except that now she’s a walking version.

In her hooded cape

Glancing at the camera

Sitting on the ground

Mio in front of the house


She’s becoming a pro at walking now, and Dan and I sometimes get alarmed at how fast she can move across the room. One moment, I’ll walk across the room from her and the next second, she’ll be right next to me, clinging onto my pantleg!

Walking around the living room

All her features are round... lol.
It amuses me how round all of her features are... from her head, eyes, nose, nostrils, mouth, chin... everything is so round! lol