Little Miss Mio is seven months old today. In just one month, she’s become able to do so much! We can’t help but beam with pride as we look at how much our sweet princess has grown — and she just gets more and more adorable with each passing day.
(I’ll be taking photos of Mio sitting in my white desk chair and wearing her monthly onesie every month until she’s one year old.)
Previous Photos:
One Month Old • Two Months Old • Three Months Old • Four Months Old • Five Months Old • Six Months Old
The Rundown at Seven Months…
Stats: You weigh almost 20lbs now, and measure about 27 inches long. Who needs the gym when we have you to carry around every day? Our arms are getting quite the workout from picking you up all the time! You’re now wearing 12-month size clothing, and are showing no signs of slowing down in your growth. As the pediatrician said, you’re just the picture of health!
Things You’re Doing Now: A few weeks ago, you started being able to sit up on your own, and around the same time you started army crawling. You’re becoming better and faster at crawling and you get around everywhere nowadays! We really have to keep our eyes on you to make sure you’re not getting into trouble or hurting yourself. Because you’ve become able to sit up in your crib, we’ve lowered the crib a notch. As for your feedings, you’ve been taking to solids very well and so far have tried rice cereal, carrots, rice porridge, potatoes, zucchini, sweet potatoes, avocado, broccoli, and green beans. You definitely like the sweeter veggies like sweet potatoes and carrots more, and have shown a distaste for avocado and zucchini. Starting this week, you’ve started eating solids twice a day and seem to have no problem with the extra meal. Just in the past couple days, you’ve really started babbling more, and have been saying “Dadadadada” — it’s no longer a mystery what your first word will most likely be! (How about practicing some “Mamamamama” too, considering I’m the one who carried you for nine long months and endured 35 hours of intense labor for you, hmm…? 😉 ) Your babbling voice is soft and sweet, it tickles me every time I hear it! You are more expressive than ever and your smiles are so enthusiastic and wide that they take over your face… I love it! You’ve also started interacting with other babies on play dates… you actually touch them and really watch what they’re doing, instead of just engaging in parallel play. I can’t even imagine all the ways your brain is developing and picking up things, but it’s been a wonder to watch your physical and cognitive development, and I can’t wait to see more of it! I don’t want to miss a single moment of this journey with you.
November 2, 2011 @ 5:58 pm
She just gets cuter and cuter!
(Although Clara isn’t as filled out as Mio, she is in 12 month clothes, especially pants, for her height!)
Ok, one more thing, in chorus, I am teaching a song with a scat section in it, and one part has “mee-o mee-o mee-o mee-o my-o”, and it makes me think of you every time we sing it
November 2, 2011 @ 10:28 pm
Thank you Becca! Wow, that’s awesome that Clara is already in 12-month! She’s a tall one!!! 🙂
That’s so funny that you mention the song because Dan actually started calling Mio “Mee-o My-o” shortly after she was born, and the nickname has just kind of stuck and we frequently call her that! hahaha* What a coincidence! 😀
Twelve Months Old. | Blooming by the Bay
April 3, 2012 @ 2:14 am
[…] Two Months Old • Three Months Old • Four Months Old • Five Months Old • Six Months Old • Seven Months Old • Eight Months Old • Nine Months Old • Ten Months Old • Eleven Months […]