drizzled with chocolate ganache

My adventures in baking brioche continue: my latest concoction is brioche with chocolate ganache! I made it recently from the brioche dough I had left over from making bostock, and I once again used a recipe from Artisan Bread in Five Minutes A Day. The dough recipe from this book creates the softest and flakiest brioche, and the best part is that it’s so easy! No kneading at all. If you are a chocoholic like me, you must try this recipe!

Ready to be rolled!
Spreading chocolate ganache on the rolled out dough.

rolling the dough
Rolling the dough, jelly-roll style

ready to be baked!
Unlike with the bostock, you don't cut the roll up - you just tuck the ends in and put the whole roll in a loaf pan and it's read to be baked!

drizzled with chocolate ganache
Out of the oven, drizzled with the remaining chocolage ganache.

chocolate ganache brioche
During baking, the side had split to reveal and drip some chocolate down the sides as well.

filled with chocolate ganache
Cutting the loaf revealed some of the chocolage ganache filling, too. (When we got further into the loaf, you could see more of a swirl.)

It was like eating a big fat chocolate croissant! But if you choose to make it, make sure to devour immediately. We ate it over the course of a few days, and towards the end, it started to taste a little dry. But like I said, if you love chocolate, you won’t want to pass this up!