I didn’t have to go into work today, and since Monday is a holiday, it’s a four day weekend! I’m reveling my extended holiday, since I really needed it! I’ve been particularly exhausted lately and feeling really burnt out at work so this is a very welcome respite. We don’t have any grandiose plans for the weekend — but I’m looking forward to sleeping in every day and getting lots of R&R for two!

This Monday has been traditionally celebrated as Columbus Day, but in recent years, there’s been an effort for a reexamination of the past and the actions of Christopher Columbus. “Indigenous Peoples Day” may seem like a mouthful at first, but it’s worth a moment to Reconsider Columbus Day:

Whatever you decide to call the holiday, hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! 🙂

P.S. Thank you to everyone who extended their love and congratulatory wishes to us with our latest news. We have really been overwhelmed, humbled and touched by the inundation of emails, phone calls, text messages, and Facebook comments/messages over the past week from friends and family members! We can only hope that we’ll meet everyone’s expectations and become good parents. 🙂