Today marks one year since we started our blog. 365 days and 111 blog posts later, we’re still regularly blogging! (Well, at least I am… haha*)

photo courtesy of Sofya E


Some stats: Over the past year, we’ve had 5,938 visits. Our most popular blog post by far in terms of hits was the Celebrity Doppelganger post (What the random?), while the most commented post was the one about our S’mores Cupcakes. Maybe we should blog more often about celebrity lookalikes and baked goodies….

One thing we noticed is that the number of visitors is super disproportionate to the number of comments we receive. I will often hear, “Oh, I read your blog about this and that” from friends but am always surprised to hear it because we receive so few comments and I feel like nobody is reading this darn thing. If you stop by, let us know by leaving us some love!

Regardless, thank you to everyone who keeps up with our blog! We would not be as happy as we are without family and friends like you.