Tysons Harvest Festival


We went to the first annual Tysons Harvest Festival earlier this month, and got to enjoy some fall family fun! There were lots of activities, great food, and cool vendors to check out.

Mio with her unicorn face paint
Mio with her unicorn face paint


She is very into unicorns lately.
She is very into unicorns lately!


Pat and Cara at the festival
We met up with Pat’s family at the festival! Here’s Pat and her adorable mini-Pat! 🙂


Tysons Harvest Festival petting zoo
Mio checking out the petting zoo at the festival.


Mirei watching us do crafts
Sleepy Mirei watching from her stroller.


Craft table at Tysons Harvest Festival
At the craft table.


Craft table at Tysons Harvest Festival
Mio coloring a Halloween crown.


Tysons Harvest Festival
Making our way around the festival, checking out various vendors.


What the Pho? food truck
We had some delicious banh mi and pho from this What the Pho? food truck!


Dan carrying Mio
Dan carrying Mio while in line for the bounce house.


Unstoppable Mio:


Mio in the bounce house
Mio came alive in the bounce house! She loves inflatable houses and was in her element climbing, sliding, and bouncing around in them.


Mio in the bounce house
Climbing up!


Mio on the bounce house slide
Sliding down! She was supposed to only go up and down three turns and then exit for other kids, but she refused to leave and went for about 5 turns instead…



Mio at the Yelp booth
Mio at the Yelp booth, making a lollipop spider out of tissue paper, pipecleaners, and googly eyes.


Mio with her lollipop spider
With her completed lollipop spider! She immediately wanted to disassemble it and eat it.


Tysons Harvest Festival
Mio and I. If my face looks strained, it’s because I’m lifting her up and trying to fit my face in at the same time…


Tysons Harvest Festival
Mio is a beer girl here.


Mio with Olaf pumpkin carving
With an Olaf pumpkin carving! According to Mio, she is Princess Anna (occasionally switching to Elsa) and Mirei is Olaf. lol… I suppose Mirei’s lack of hair does make her resemble the snowman!