We have been putting off cutting Mio’s hair for years, because we love the way her baby hair curls into adorable ringlets at the end, but we decided it was probably time to just get it cut already, because it was getting so uneven and they’d sometimes get tangled. Dan’s actually the one who was more attached to the curls, as he takes really good care to condition them during and after bathtime, so on Saturday before the haircut, he made sure to cut and save a lock as a keepsake and take some before-and-after photos to commemorate the milestone!
Mio, pre-haircut:
Goodbye, baby curls…
We went to Cartoon Cuts in Fair Oaks Mall for Mio’s first haircut. They seemed a little rough with keeping her head in position, but they did a good job of keeping her occupied during the haircut and we were pleased with the result.
Here’s a video during the haircut:
…and post-haircut photos:
We miss the cute curls, but we have to admit that her hair’s so much more even and clean-looking now!
She looks so grownup… 🙂
Checking out her new look in the mirror.
Her hair is so much easier to wash and take care of now, too. Overall, we’re happy with Mio’s new hair and she seems to like it, too! 🙂
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for this announcement: Mirei has officially started walking! While she’s been doing some little mini-steps for the past week or so, she took her first “real” steps on Sunday evening to walk to Daddy, and I was able to pull my phone out in time to capture some of it!
I love her beaming smiles of accomplishment! Reminds me of when Mio took her first steps, because she was cheesing so much then, too. Hooray, Mirei!!! We are so proud of you, sweetheart!
(Excuse the awful mess in the room. You can blame it all on the little toddling one that you see there in the video, as she loves to pull out her diapers and clothes and scatter them everywhere. 😛 )
Now that Mirei is getting more and more active, she and Mio are also interacting more. While Mio still often seems to regards Mirei as a little bit of a nuisance, it’s sweet when we find that she is not just tolerating/ignoring her and letting her join in activities alongside her and even playing together.
Mio and Mirei playing in Mio’s room.
Backyard fun together back on first day of fall
This is from over a month ago, but Mio tickling Mirei with me:
Shopping at Home Depot with Daddy
Sisters napping together
Mio playing with Mirei… and Mirei deciding she’s not going to take it anymore.
Bathtime together. They both love taking baths! (And it’s so much easier now that we can bathe them together.)
Watching a Japanese children’s show (Shimajiro) together
Mio likes to crawl into Mirei’s crib and put a blanket over it, creating a little tent within it. Mirei usually hates being put in the crib, but she’s totally fine with staying in it as long as big sister’s in there with her! 🙂
We went to the first annual Tysons Harvest Festival earlier this month, and got to enjoy some fall family fun! There were lots of activities, great food, and cool vendors to check out.
Mio with her unicorn face paint
She is very into unicorns lately!
We met up with Pat’s family at the festival! Here’s Pat and her adorable mini-Pat! 🙂
Mio checking out the petting zoo at the festival.
Sleepy Mirei watching from her stroller.
At the craft table.
Mio coloring a Halloween crown.
Making our way around the festival, checking out various vendors.
We had some delicious banh mi and pho from this What the Pho? food truck!
Dan carrying Mio while in line for the bounce house.
Unstoppable Mio:
Mio came alive in the bounce house! She loves inflatable houses and was in her element climbing, sliding, and bouncing around in them.
Climbing up!
Sliding down! She was supposed to only go up and down three turns and then exit for other kids, but she refused to leave and went for about 5 turns instead…
Mio at the Yelp booth, making a lollipop spider out of tissue paper, pipecleaners, and googly eyes.
With her completed lollipop spider! She immediately wanted to disassemble it and eat it.
Mio and I. If my face looks strained, it’s because I’m lifting her up and trying to fit my face in at the same time…
Mio is a beer girl here.
With an Olaf pumpkin carving! According to Mio, she is Princess Anna (occasionally switching to Elsa) and Mirei is Olaf. lol… I suppose Mirei’s lack of hair does make her resemble the snowman!
Trying miso soup for the first time, from a straw:
More standing:
Playing with a hairbrush:
Auntie Miwa fed her some takoyaki (a piece without octopus) for the first time, and she loved it.
She loved playing under the tent that Dan made with the bedsheets!
Mirei’s making our heads spin with how fast she’s growing! Sometimes we wish she would slow down a little… I feel like she’s already quickly graduating from her baby days!