On Monday, my sister, father and I took Mio to a local pet store where they have puppies that you can play with in the store. Mio is really interested in dogs and other animals lately, so we thought she would have a lot of fun with them!

Shiba Inu puppy at Petland
My favorites were the Shiba Inu puppies. There were three of them at the pet store!


Auntie Miwa and Mio
Mio looks on while behing held by Auntie Miwa.


A Corgi puppy
A Corgi puppy


Cute puppy


Mio staring at the puppy
Mio staring at the puppies


Mio with Auntie Miwa and Ojiichan
Walking around the pet store with Auntie Miwa and Ojiichan


We chose a shiba inu puppy to play with, and got a playroom with him in! He was so adorable…

More Shiba Inu cuteness


Mio + puppy
Mio trying to touch the puppy.


Shibas can be extremely hyper and overactive, though, and this puppy definitely had a lot of energy! It kept trying to jump on us and kept biting on the ends of our clothes and pulling… it was intense.

"Stay away, puppy!"
Auntie Miwa trying to shield Mio from the puppy.


The puppy trying to jump on Mio
The puppy trying to jump on Mio


So playtime only lasted about ten minutes, but it was fun! We spent some time looking around the rest of the pet store together…

Looking at the mice
Looking at the mice.


Colorful fish
Colorful fish in the tanks.


There was a frozen yogurt place nearby, so we went to Sweetberry for an afternoon snack!

Getting some tart froyo for Mio
Getting some tart froyo for Mio


Mio trying froyo for the first time.
Mio trying frozen yogurt for the first time.


She liked it!
She liked it! It was great because it wasn't very sweet.


Looking at me for more
Looking at me for more.


Licking her lips... yummy!


Mio and Mama


I just noticed that day that Mio is starting to grown in four more teeth (her first molars) in addition to the eight teeth she’s already had for months. She’s had the central and lateral incisors for a while now, but she’s just starting to grow one molar on each side, on both the top and bottom (so one in each quadrant of the mouth). I’d heard that the first molars start to grow in at around 13 to 19 months, so she is right on schedule!

Showing her teeth!
Showing her teeth!


Monday was a bit cooler and cloudier compared to Sunday’s pool weather, so we couldn’t break out the baby pool again, but Mio still had fun romping around the backyard.

In her flowery shirt


In the evening, Auntie Miwa wanted Mio to try on the new Harajuku Mini clothes and sunglasses we’d bought for her when we went shopping earlier in the day, so we had some dress-up time. Check this fashionista out! 😛

She looks so hip!
She looks so hip! I love the polka dot sunglasses.


Love it.
My little Harajuku girl.