Happy 2015! The girls were a little sniffly and under the weather the week of Christmas, but were feeling better afterwards… but I ended up catching whatever they had, which really worsened around New Years Eve! It was not the ideal way to kick off the new year, but I’m grateful I could spend it with my family and get enough time to dedicate to rest and recovery!
Mirei sleeping on New Years morning
Thankfully, my being sick didn’t really affect my appetite, so I could enjoy this delicious Oshogatsu dinner of temaki-zushi.
Ted & Elisa brought their dog Asher over, and Mirei kept trying to poke him.
*poke poke* These buddies were born only a month apart! Asher just turned one year old.
On New Year’s Day last week, Mio hosted a little party for Dan and I and her doll friends using her new kitchen. We also let her play with her cupcake set (which our friend Katie got for her last year) and she was super excited to bake cupcakes just like Mama! She knew exactly what to do because she’s always watching me closely while I’m baking.
Taking the cupcakes out of the oven. She even wore her oven mitt and said “Acchi-cchi!” (Japanese sound for when something is hot to touch.)
Putting frosting and candles on the cupcakes.
She made sure everyone got a cupcake. (Poor girl scratched herself in her sleep so there’s a scratch next to her nose. Thankfully, it’s already healed and disappeared!)
I helped Mio decorate the cupcakes. By the way, this cupcake set by Melissa & Doug is awesome! It comes with a cupcake pan, removable “frosting” and dry erase “icing” markers that you can draw on the cupcakes with. And it all wipes clean when you are done.
Daddy and Mio admiring the cupcakes.
Mio was so happy with her cupcakes!
Dan teaching Mio how to properly drink tea (pinky up! lol).
A video that I took during Mio’s “party”:
It was so sweet to see how much Mio loved playing with the cupcakes along with her kitchen. She’s definitely a dessert lover — she’s so quick to spot them in a book or at a restaurant, and will point and says “kei-ki” (her way of saying “cake”) obsessively. A girl after my own heart! ♥
Happy New Year!!! In 2011, I became a mother to the sweetest darling of a baby girl. Thanks to her and Dan, I wake up every morning with a huge smile and a heart full of love. ♥ It’ll be hard to top this past year, but we’re looking forward to all the unforgettable moments and exciting adventures that 2012 will bring.
Whether circumstances allow us to see each other every day or once every ten years, we are truly blessed to have you all in our lives. We wish for all of you a new year full of love, laughter, and happiness.
Happy New Year! Dan and I just got back to California late Sunday night after spending ten days at my parents’ home in Northern Virginia. We arrived early the morning of Christmas Eve, and I spent Christmas Day/my 28th birthday quietly at home with my family. It feels strange to think that this was my last Christmas and birthday without a child, and that future Christmases will probably be a lot noisier and hectic!
We had a memorable week spent with family, friends, and enjoyed a much-needed break from work during the holidays. My mom kept Dan busy half the time, enlisting his handyman skills to repaint the kitchen. (He did a great job and the kitchen looks like new! My mom is ecstatic.) Meanwhile, I indulged in stuffing myself with my mom’s home cooking, getting pampered by my parents, and treasured the time that I had to catch up with the friends back home whom I missed so much!
Two of my dearest friends and college roommates, Hanna and Yoon, threw us a baby shower the day after Christmas to celebrate the upcoming arrival of our baby girl! Since baby showers typically aren’t thrown until well into the third trimester and since I wouldn’t be back on the East Coast again before the birth of the baby, we initially hadn’t thought that we’d get to have a baby shower with our East Coast friends. We were so touched that they went out of their way during the busiest time of the year to still plan and organize a shower for us! Our friend Brian generously offered his house to host the celebration, and the decorations were absolutely adorable and the food was delicious! The girls planned some fun baby shower games and we were humbled by the generosity of our friends and by all the gifts. More than anything, though, it was just nice to see so many of our friends again, and we felt so blessed and fortunate to be able to celebrate the new addition to our family with them. Our baby (currently referred to as “eggplant“) is the luckiest girl in the world, to be surrounded by so much love before she even comes out!
Here are some photos from the baby shower…
The adorable set-up! I couldn't get over how cute it was.
Classic Pooh + Burt's Bees diaper cake! Yoon did such a great job making it!
Shower favors: beehive candles!
Guess Baby Allen's Arrival Date!
Homemade cupcakes: double chocolate and cheesecake-flavored. Delicious!
Loved it!!!
Pat and I with our baby bumps! We're both expecting baby girls in April, only two weeks apart!
Thanks Greg for stopping by!
All the yummy food!
Snacking around the table.
More snacking! 🙂
The Dirty Diaper game! My sister Miwa, my brother Ted, and his girlfriend Elisa.
Jina and Luice won the game. I missed these ladies!
Matching the candy to the baby phrases.
Guessing belly measurements
Thanks for coming, Jina!
Time to open presents!
The baby's first Hokie gear - a VT bib! Thank you Auntie Windy. 🙂
Dan testing the softness of the fleece baby blanket.
Adorable headwraps from Auntie Erri!
It was Luice's birthday that day - Happy Birthday! 😀
With 3-year-old Audrey. She's the cutest!
So good seeing Liz again!
Ashly and Helly - I missed them so! Seems like yesterday they were just freshmen, and now they're all grown up!
With Erri and Audrey. Erri is my closest friend who has kids, so she's been giving me so much priceless advice. I can't thank her enough!
And of course... my lovely roomies! 501-A reunited! Thank you for throwing me a baby shower I'll never, ever forget. Love you girls so much!
For more photos of the baby shower, click over to the photo album.
(Special thanks to Pat & Theo for many of the photos!)
Some of my friends couldn’t make it to the baby shower, like my best friend Debbie, who’s back in Seoul with her family for the winter holidays. The night before we left for Virginia, we had received this very generous gift from Debbie and our friends Mimi, Michelle, and Stephanie, who all pitched in to get us the Beaba Babycook that I had been raving about a couple months ago! Dan and I were stunned when we received it, because although we’d put it on our baby registry, we were prepared to eventually buy it ourselves because it’s so pricey and we didn’t think anyone would actually get it for us. It’s such a great investment, and we can’t wait until the time comes for us to use it! 🙂
The Beaba Babycook! Thank you Debbie, Mimi, Michelle, and Steph!
I am so behind on updating our blog. The beginning of the year is somehow always so busy. I promised myself that I would make some solid New Years resolutions but I haven’t even gotten a chance to sit down and do that yet. Is it too late? It’s still January… maybe as long as I can get them figured out by the end of this month, I will be okay.
So another fun thing we did earlier this month was attending the Mochitsuki event at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco. Once essential to the Japanese New Year celebration, the practice of mochitsuki (mochi pounding) is now rare even in Japan, as people tend to eat store-bought mochi rather than make their own in today’s hustle and bustle society. San Francisco-based Kagami-kai is a group dedicated to maintaining the Japanese tradition of mochitsuki, and this was their sixth year performing and churning out mochi for the masses at the Asian Art Museum.
My friend Akiho was visiting from Virginia Tech because she was interviewing for an internship position at UC Berkeley, so she, Dan, and I went together with some of our friends from the San Francisco Bay Area Japanese Language and Culture meetup group. It was quite an experience — the Kagamikai’s mochitsuki performance was very impressive, and the taiko drumming accompanying it was equally breathtaking. We even got to have a bite of mochi at the end. Growing up with Japanese traditions, it really doesn’t feel like the New Year has come until you have some mochi. 🙂
Below are some photos and video footage of the mochitsuki action:
For more information on this yearly event, please hop over here.