Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful moms out there, including my own amazing mama! I never fully appreciated all her love, patience, and sacrifice until I became a mother myself. Thankful for our precious daughters who bring me more joy, challenges, and laughter than I ever imagined.
My mom with M&M. They are lucky to have two loving grandmothers in their lives. We’re grateful that they can spend so much time with my mother, and we’re excited to go see Grandma in California soon, too!
Ted & Elisa treated the whole family to a delicious Mother’s Day lunch at Kob Kun in Oakton. Everything was amazing… and the restaurant gave us this complimentary dessert!
With my sweet girls!
For me, Mirei? 🙂
Lunch was a little hectic with Mirei wreaking havoc, but it was overall a lovely Mother’s Day spent with the fam!
Hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable Mother’s Day weekend as well!
Some early mornings when Mio wakes up, I’ll feed her and then bring her over to our bed to cuddle with us as we go back to sleep, instead of putting her back into her crib. Dan woke up to get ready for work and captured this photo of Mio and I asleep… he got a kick out of how we were angled the same way, our faces were pointing in the same direction, and even our arms are in the same pose! I have to admit, it was pretty funny.
(I have taken the liberty of blurring out my face, as I would like to spare our audience of my makeup-less sleep face… one less thing on the web to be horrified by!)
Sunday was Mother’s Day, and this year was my first time celebrating it as a mother myself. It still feels a little surreal that I’ve become a mother and that this day will now hold a special meaning for me for the rest of my life. Though it’s only been a little over a month since I have joined the ranks of motherhood, it’s already been such a wonderful and life-changing experience so far.
For my first Mother’s Day, I awoke to this cutie:
Later, Dan surprised me with a colorful bouquet of flowers.
Receiving flowers for my first Mother's Day.
Love the array of colors... Dan got a custom bouquet made and picked out lovely tulips, roses, and Gerbera daisies.
Thank you, hubby!
Our friend and uber-talented photographer Tea came over to take some photos of Mio for us, and she brought me some flowers as well! So thoughtful and sweet of her… thank you, Tea! 🙂
Sweet mini roses from Tea!
Thank you also to all my friends who sent me Mother’s Day cards and e-cards to commemorate my first Mother’s Day… I was surprised but of course very touched to receive so many from everyone. You made my first Mother’s Day truly memorable! ♥
Mother's Day cards
In the evening, we went out to dinner with Dan’s family to celebrate at Yusan Sushi. So happy I can finally eat sushi and sashimi again! 🙂
Dan's parents. Happy Mother's Day, okaasan!
Ted (Dan's brother) and Hanna. 🙂
Our little family. Mio slept through the entire dinner, as well as the car ride to and from the restaurant.
We ended the day by taking some photos to remember our first Mother’s Day together… 🙂
I couldn’t help but be consumed by an overwhelming feeling of gratitude this Mother’s Day.
I have always been thankful for the amazing mothers in my own life — my own mother who gave birth to me and raised me with love, my mother-in-law who has always welcomed and embraced me from Day One with such warmth, as well as my grandmother back in Hiroshima whom I rarely get to see but writes me letters every month.
But this year, I have even more to be grateful for. For the wonderful husband I have and for this precious, precious daughter we have brought into this world together. I feel like nothing I have ever done in my life warrants this incredible gift that has been bestowed upon me. I have never been — and never will be — the most beautiful, the most talented, the most successful. I am as imperfect as they come. But somehow, despite all of my innumerable flaws and shortcomings, I have been given so much in this humble life of mine, and now have been entrusted with the greatest blessing yet.
I look at Mio and am dumbfounded that she loves, trusts, and needs me more than anyone else in the world.
I am so undeserving, and I wonder if I ever will be worthy of all of this.
I just finished watching the Japanese serial drama Mother, which had aired last spring in Japan and had won a lot of critical acclaim in the past year. I’d been curious about it for a while, and after watching the first episode last week, I was immediately hooked and had no problem finishing it within a week.
The drama revolves around Suzuhara Nao, a scientific researcher who reluctantly takes on the job of substituting as an elementary school when her research lab is shut down. Single and childless, she doesn’t care too much for children, and initially turns a blind eye when she notices bruises and other signs of domestic abuse on one of her students, Michiki Rena. But when she happens to visit Rena’s house one freezing winter night and discovers Rena abandoned in a garbage bag by her mother, she impulsively takes matters into her own hands and decides to kidnap Rena and become her mother, to save her from a life of further abuse and possible death. The drama follows them as they embark on a life on the run and attempt to start a new life together as mother and daughter in Tokyo, undetected by authorities.
Mother had me emotionally invested from the first episode, and had me in tears at various points throughout the story. The scenes of neglect and abuse, which ranged from subtle to appalling, were very real and heartbreaking. Meanwhile, the gradual transformation of Nao from a cold, solitary woman to a desperate mother who will sacrifice anything for her child was remarkable and convincing. What was particularly striking to me about the drama was that it was not solely about the development of the mother-child relationship forged between Nao and Rena, but that the theme of motherhood was carried through and represented by various other women in the drama –Â Nao’s overbearing and concerned adopted mother, Nao’s biological mother who bears a burden of guilt from abandoning her at a young age, Nao’s foster mother whose care she was under for a short period of time, and even Rena’s biological mother who was once a loving mother who was embittered over the years. It was really interesting to see all the ways in which a mother relates to their child, and really made me think and wonder about what sort of a mother I will become. The theme was not just about Nao and Rena’s journey, but more about the universal role of motherhood and what it means to every woman.
The most impressive part of the drama for me personally (and I think for a lot of viewers) was the breakthrough performance by Ashida Mana, who played the role of Rena (renamed “Tsugumi” by Nao while they are on the run). She was only five years old at the time the drama was filmed, and yet she demonstrates an incredible breadth of expression in her acting. She is of course adorable, but she is not just another cute kid — she harbors exceptional talent and has the ability to engage and arrest an audience. It was announced recently that she will play the main lead in another upcoming drama and will be the youngest star to ever take on a lead role in a Japanese drama.
I have been in love with Mana-chan since I saw her as a guest on SMAPxSMAP‘s Bistro SMAP corner a couple months ago — she is so well-mannered and articulate for her age, and is just super sweet all-around. I hope our future daughter is this adorable…!
While we were on vacation, my sister Miwa sent me an email with a series of random photos of her and my mother posing with a scarecrow. No explanation, just the attachments. Along with a subject line that read, “Noriko the Scarecrow,” with the email CC-ed to the whole family. So when we returned yesterday, I sent back an email expressing my confusion, and my mother responds back with this email:
Misono-chan,Welcome back! I made a flower garden in the place where we used to have a tree-tunnel but deers kept coming and eat my flowers like roses,strawberrys,geranium. Since I put so much love and care into my garden I was so upset about deers and decided to make a scarecraw to chase them away and assigned to Miwa to make it.Did you like it? Now they don’t come any more.Try to rest and start to work tomorrow!
My mom only started actively using email about a year ago, and she is not exactly the savviest lady in the world when it comes to technology. I can sense the awkwardness of the email, from the subtle misspellings, slightly-off grammar and sentence structures, to the funny nuances that give away some of her fobbiness. (I don’t think she has figured out how to type in Japanese just yet.)Â I can also tell that it probably took her about an hour to type the email.
Here are a couple of the photos of said scarecrow:
Reading the email and seeing the photos, I couldn’t help but chuckle.
(Still trying to figure out why the scarecrow is named Noriko though…)