While we were on vacation, my sister Miwa sent me an email with a series of random photos of her and my mother posing with a scarecrow. No explanation, just the attachments. Along with a subject line that read, “Noriko the Scarecrow,” with the email CC-ed to the whole family. So when we returned yesterday, I sent back an email expressing my confusion, and my mother responds back with this email:

Misono-chan,Welcome back! I made a flower garden in the place where we used to have a tree-tunnel but deers kept coming and eat my flowers like roses,strawberrys,geranium.  Since I put so much love and care into my garden I was so upset about deers and decided to make a scarecraw to chase them away and assigned to Miwa to make it.Did you like it? Now they don’t come any more.Try to rest and start to work tomorrow!

My mom only started actively using email about a year ago, and she is not exactly the savviest lady in the world when it comes to technology. I can sense the awkwardness of the email, from the subtle misspellings, slightly-off grammar and sentence structures, to the funny nuances that give away some of her fobbiness. (I don’t think she has figured out how to type in Japanese just yet.) I can also tell that it probably took her about an hour to type the email.

Here are a couple of the photos of said scarecrow:

Reading the email and seeing the photos, I couldn’t help but chuckle.
(Still trying to figure out why the scarecrow is named Noriko though…)