On Wednesday, I took Mirei to the doctor for her 6 month wellness exam. She was her usual cheery self, beaming and smiling at the nurse and doctor and charming the socks off of everyone! She got her routine immunizations and just let out some whiney cries before quickly calming when getting her shots.
Mirei’s been growing so much over the first few months of her life that I thought that surely she would have tapered off a little in the pace of her growth since her four month visit two months ago, but nope! She wowed both me and the nurse with her off-the-charts growth stats!
Mirei now weighs an impressive 21 lbs 6 oz, which pushes her off the charts in weight compared to other 6 month olds. No wonder my arms feel sore!
She measured 28.5 inches tall, putting her off the charts in height-for-age as well.
Her head size is now 17.5 inches, which is in the 95th growth percentile based on head circumference-for-age.
I can’t believe that Mirei has gained a whole three pounds and grown two inches in the last couple months! I wonder when her growth is going to start tapering off… I don’t know if our arms can handle her getting much heavier so quickly! The other night, we measured the circumference of her thighs and compared it against her head circumference… and the difference was only about 1.5 inches. Hers are the definition of thunder thighs! But we love how chubby and healthy she is — makes her all the more squeezable!
Here are some photos and videos of Mirei from this past month.

Recently Mirei has discovered how to blow raspberries, and she’s been doing it a lot this week!
Getting better (and faster!) at crawling: