This week, Mio has started to be able to sit up on her own unsupported for longer periods of time! After a while, she’ll sometimes lean forward or to either side, but for the most part, she’s learned how to balance her upper body while sitting. We’re so proud of you, sweetheart!
She won’t stay sitting for long, though! She eventually plants her hands against the floor and moves into commando crawl mode to move around everywhere!
Mio is 27 weeks old as of Saturday, and her growth and development is making our heads spin these days. She’s able to do so much now! We introduced her to the sippy cup a couple weeks ago, around the same time we started her on solids, and she has now mastered holding and drinking from it!
Before, she used to make a face every time she’d take a sip and discover it was water and not breast milk, but it seems like she’s finally gotten used to it. Look how relaxed she looks while drinking! 😛
Mio has also started to “commando crawl,” also known as “army crawl” — it’s not quite a true crawl, but she’s been moving around using her arms and dragging her feet behind her. We definitely need to get a foam playmat for her and babyproof the place now that she’s on the move!
Mio turned 25 weeks today, and we decided to give her an introduction to solids this weekend. It’s encouraged to feed babies solids at a time of day when they’re in the best mood, so we chose the late morning. For Mio’s first taste of solids, we mixed some of Earth’s Best organic whole grain rice cereal with breast milk. (Rice cereal can be constipating and doesn’t have as much nutritional value as vegetables, but we thought it was a good way to gently transition Mio into solids before we introduce her to the good stuff!)
She dribbled a lot of the rice cereal out of her mouth because it was her first time getting spoon-fed, but she readily accepted it and had a good amount of it! We captured it on video, below:
I’d say it was a success! So begins Mio’s journey into the world of foods… something tells me she’s going to love eating, just like her parents! 😉
On an unrelated note, here are some additional videos of Mio from the past month that I hadn’t gotten around to posting until now…
Mio and I goofing around together when she was 22 weeks. I love spending my mornings with her like this: I trade her my kisses for her sweet smiles and giggles. ♥ It never gets old.
Here she is at 24 weeks, smiling and bouncing in her jumper as we ask her to “Jump! Jump!”
In all the craziness of Mio’s eye problems, I almost forgot to mention a milestone Mio was able to accomplish this past weekend! On Sunday, we were playing in a nursery room with a bunch of other friends’ children, and though I usually hold Mio, she was intent on joining the big kids in exploring the toys. She was particularly interested in a large wooden block with a wire maze on top. She grabbed a hold of the wires of the wire maze and pulled herself up to a standing position! Although I was spotting her the whole time in case she lost her balance, I let her support herself without my help. Although she wobbled a little here and there, she stayed standing like that for a couple minutes!
Holding onto the wires for support.
The knees are starting to give way a little, but Mio continues to hang on.
We discovered yesterday that Mio’s first tooth is coming in! It’s one of her bottom middle teeth… you can see the top of the tooth emerging as the whitish part on her gums:
People had told us she must be teething during the past few weeks, because of how much she’s been drooling and sucking on her hands and toys, but we figured it was a very slow process and that we wouldn’t see the first tooth for a while.
While I’m excited about Mio reaching this milestone, I can’t help but wince when I think of breastfeeding a baby with teeth… Ouch!