Mio loves to play dress-up these days, and her favorite thing is to transform into a “ballerina” by wearing her pink dress. (Special thanks to Auntie Jina who gifted it to her — we’ve gotten a lot of wear out of it!) I think she doesn’t really understand what a princess is yet, as I’ve noticed she calls all princesses in pretty dresses in her books, movies, and shows “ballerinas.” As much as we try not to maintain gender neutral toys and activities with Mio, there is a part of me that can’t help but indulge in the full-on girliness of teatime and dress-up, as long as Mio’s the one that initiates it… probably because they’re the kind of things that I admittedly loved doing when I was a little girl, too.
I can’t believe how much our sweet little Mio has grown… I’m kind of in denial that she’s going to turn three in a month!
March 2, 2014 @ 7:20 pm
What a sweet little darling! She is so pretty!!
March 10, 2014 @ 5:50 pm
Thank you Amy ♥ We miss you!