Mio had a fun-filled Sunday afternoon as we took her out for her first real trick-or-treating experience! We hadn’t introduced trick-or-treating to her the last two years, because we figured she was too young for candy, but now she’s definitely at an age where she can understand and appreciate the concept and of course the treats! A growing trend at community centers and churches in recent years is trunk-or-treat — it provides a safe and fun alternative to the tradition of going to door-to-door asking for candy. Volunteers gather in parking lots, their car trunks open and decked out in decorations and sometimes games, handing out candy to trick-or-treaters. It’s also an easier option than the traditional walking door-to-door for younger kids (as they tend to easily get tired) because they can still get plenty of candy without having to travel as much. Mio’s preschool had a Trunk-or-Treat event which we went to first, and then we continued onto Vienna Baptist Church, which probably hosts the largest Trunk-or-Treat in the local community.

Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat at Mio’s preschool.


She got the hang of trick-or-treating pretty quickly!
She got the hang of trick-or-treating pretty quickly!


Mio making her way around the preschool parking lot.
Mio making her way around the preschool parking lot.


Playing a game to win a treat!
Playing a game to win a treat!


The second Trunk-or-Treat event we went to had an accompanying fall festival for kids, with lots of games, activities, crafts, and face painting that they could partake in before they went trick-or-treating around the parking lot.

Mio throwing her fishing line over to get some candy.
Mio throwing her fishing line over to get some candy.


She got some fruit snacks!
She got some fruit snacks!


Getting her face painted.
Getting her face painted.


The finished facepaint: an apple to go with her Snow White costume!
The finished facepaint: an apple to go with her Snow White costume!


Time for Trunk-or-Treat, round two!
Time for Trunk-or-Treat, round two! There were about 30 cars to collect candy from.


Some of the decorations were pretty elaborate...
Some of the decorations were pretty elaborate…


We ran into Mio's friend Junna-chan (in the penguin costume) there, too!
We ran into Mio’s friend Junna-chan (in the penguin costume) there, too!


Mio helping herself to candy.
Mio helping herself to candy. She made sure to say “thank you” at every station!


A vintage Ford Model A vehicle that was also at the event!
A vintage Ford Model A vehicle that was also at the event! Dan had a fun time talking to the owner about it.


A happy Snow White with her Daddy!
A happy Snow White with her Daddy! Her bucket of candy was so full by the end of the afternoon that she was having a hard time carrying it.


Mio had a blast trick-or-treating for the first time, and she kept saying “Hooray! Candy!” and examining her loot in the car ride home. Mama and Daddy have to be careful in making sure the candy is rationed and she doesn’t eat too much at once. 😉