Dan had been talking about wanting to take us to the Water Mine for a while, as it’s a water park he passes on the way to and from work every day. We decided to go this past Sunday, and it was a whole lot of fun for the whole family! Mio had never been to a water park before, so it was a new and exciting experience for her! She really enjoyed the park, but I think she was also at the same time kind of overwhelmed by all the things to do and all the people there, so she was half in a state of shock… as you’ll see in the pictures.
Arriving at the water park! Oh the excitement!
The water park had inner pool areas with lots of slides and fun play objects, and had a lazy river stream going around the perimeter where people could float on inner tubes.
So much to do! Where to start?!
First things first, is to get your foot in the water…
Dan figured the best way to get Mio used to the water was to drench her.
Me with my baby bump! I’m in my second trimester and it’s definitely starting to show…
Mio going on the slide with Daddy
Mio loved riding the horse in the pool. She kept whinnying “neighhh!”
Face to face with a sea serpent!
I joined Mio on the slides, too!
She loved all the animals in the water!
Mio loved going on the lazy river with the inner tubes! She would say “whee!” while we floated along.
Mio was all at once enthralled…
…and a little bit scared and uncomfortable by the water that would get dumped or sprayed at us along the way…
Dan even got some video with our point-and-shoot camera (we have an underwater casing for it, and that’s how we took photos and video in the water). Excuse my frowns in the beginning — I was distressed that we were getting sprayed. lol
Mio with Daddy on the floatie.
“Turtle! Turtle!”
Mio apparently loved the lazy river, and kept saying “more!” and pointing to the tubes, so Daddy took her on it again.
Taking a break from the pool for a little snack. Love how Mio looks walking around in the little lifevest!
We had some pepperoni pizza and chili cheese fries from the concession stands for lunch.
Happy Mio! After she ate, she wanted “more!” time in the pool.
We ended up spending almost four hours at the water park because Mio couldn’t have enough, and Dan and I were having fun too. The Water Mine is such a fun family activity for the summertime. We’ll definitely be back againbefore summer’s over!
Aw looks like you guys had so much fun! You look so good for your second trimester! I got so big so fast, you still look so slim and small!! I love your bathing suit too!! So classy and pretty!
Look forward to seeing you soon at Kosei’s party!
It was a lot of fun for all of us! I think you look great — I wish I looked that good when I was full term. π Yea, I figured I wanted to spare everyone the sight of me in a bikini, at least while I’m preggers! haha* Nobody wants to see that! π
Thanks for having us at Kosei’s party! It was a whole lot of fun! (And sorry it took me so long to respond back to this comment… I’ve been neglecting the blog lately.)
August 6, 2013 @
5:46 am
Glad you guys had fun. Mio has her daddy’s stance!
August 5, 2013 @ 6:14 pm
Aw looks like you guys had so much fun! You look so good for your second trimester! I got so big so fast, you still look so slim and small!! I love your bathing suit too!! So classy and pretty!
Look forward to seeing you soon at Kosei’s party!
August 26, 2013 @ 5:06 pm
It was a lot of fun for all of us! I think you look great — I wish I looked that good when I was full term. π Yea, I figured I wanted to spare everyone the sight of me in a bikini, at least while I’m preggers! haha* Nobody wants to see that! π
Thanks for having us at Kosei’s party! It was a whole lot of fun! (And sorry it took me so long to respond back to this comment… I’ve been neglecting the blog lately.)
August 6, 2013 @ 5:46 am
Glad you guys had fun. Mio has her daddy’s stance!
August 26, 2013 @ 5:07 pm
lol You’re right, she does! There are definitely a lot of behaviors she’s picking up from Dan.
Water Mine with the Girls | Blooming by the Bay
July 21, 2014 @ 11:46 pm
[…] had such a great time at the Water Mine last year that we definitely wanted to take her again this summer. We took the […]