One of my dearest friends and college roommates got married last weekend to her longtime sweetheart Eric! The beautiful wedding was at a gorgeous estate near Lynchburg, Virginia. We left Mio with my sister and parents for the weekend, and Dan and I made the 3.5 hour drive down to have a relaxing and memorable weekend celebrating with our friends! Here are some photos from the lovely wedding ceremony and reception…
My beautiful college roomie walking down the aisle…
Saying their vows… their ceremony made me tear up!
“You may kiss the bride!”
Presenting Mr. & Mrs. Compher!
Congratulations roomie! I couldn’t be happier for them!
With my other beautiful roomie and friend, Hanna!
501-A reunited! I love these ladies. 🙂
With beautiful girls Helly and Hanna.
Dan and I at the wedding
The ladies at Yoon & Eric’s wedding. I’ve missed these girls!
The dashing gentlemen!
Silly poses!
In lieu of favors, the couple donated to the American Cancer Society. Such an admirable gesture.
Cute couple Ashly and Danny!
Dan & I with the beautiful couple!
The ladies with the bride & groom.
Another roomie picture!
Model Helly on the swing outside the reception.
Cutting the wedding cake.
Gangnam Style! Possibly the highlight of the reception… 🙂
Reunited with some of my favorite Hokies!
We had breakfast with Richard the following morning at Panera in Lynchburg before we headed back to Northern Virginia. So great seeing him again!
Heartfelt congratulations to the wonderful couple Yoon and Eric! We were so honored to be a part of wedding celebration and to witness the beginning of the rest of their life together as husband and wife. ♥
April 19, 2013 @ 4:25 pm
Love the journalist coverage by my roomie ♥
April 19, 2013 @ 4:57 pm
I love all the pics on Flickr, by the way! 🙂
April 19, 2013 @ 4:59 pm
Yay! Dan captured a lot of great moments, like the cake cutting! I snapped a whole bunch during the ceremony, including the beautiful kiss!