A favorite film of Mio’s to watch is Finding Nemo, and she always says “fishhh fishhh” and “turtle” whenever she wants to watch it. She must have seen the movie over a dozen times by now, and knows it pretty well now. (She’ll even exclaim “turtle!” right before the scene with the turtles start, which shows that she’s pretty much memorized the whole movie. lol) Today, she had a really intense reaction while watching the scene where Nemo is about to get abducted by the boat. She started shouting, jumping up and down and flailing as if to warn Nemo not to get any closer to the boat! It cracked me up. See for yourself!
April 16, 2013 @ 10:10 pm
Love the third ponytail π
April 16, 2013 @ 10:45 pm
lol It’s our solution to her bangs being too long. She also laughs hysterically during the scene where Nemo’s mom and unhatched siblings get attacked and die. Should I be concerned…? :-\
April 16, 2013 @ 11:09 pm
Maybe she likes ikura!
April 16, 2013 @ 10:27 pm
And sushi. She is three quarters Japanese! π