Mio's excited about her first egg hunt!


Happy Easter! Mio got to go on her first egg hunt yesterday when her friend Danny and his parents invited us over for an Easter egg hunt in their front yard. Even though it was Mio’s first time, she knew exactly what to do and was a egg hunting pro!

Showing Mio where an egg is.
Stephanie made little signs in each area with numbers indicating how many eggs each child could pick up in that respective location, to make sure that they would all get an equal number of eggs.


Mio picking up a duck.
There were also various themed eggs, from metallic ones to iridiscent ones, to ones shaped like ducks and cars!


Easter Egg Hunt
Mio’s favorite was definitely the ducks!


Reaching for a pom pom
Mio is distracted by a pretty pom pom decoration on a tree.


Finding more eggs
Back to the egg hunt!


Danny hard at work finding eggs!
Danny also hard at work finding eggs!


Mio showing us her loot!
Mio showing us her loot! So many eggs!


Danny looking at his eggs!
Adorable Danny counting out his eggs.


Giving Daddy a hug.
Mio randomly came over and gave Daddy a hug. Such a sweetheart.


Daddy's girl.
Looking quite pleased with herself.


Cutiepies with their eggs!
Cutiepies with their eggs!


"Here you go, Danny!"
Mio suddenly grabbed one of her car-shaped eggs and held it out towards Danny, as if she wanted to give it to him.


“Danny…?” No response.


Danny and Mio
He finally turns and notices!


Negotiating a trade.
Negotiating a trade. lol


Bashful Mio
Are you being bashful, Mio? Too cute!


The three cutiepies
The three cutiepies, quite happy with their eggs!


A family picture!
A family picture. 🙂


Thanks for organizing the egg hunt!
The beautiful Lee family! Thanks for organizing the egg hunt, Stephanie!


Mio trying to hug Danny
Mio inches in towards Danny and oustreches her arms for a hug.


An awkward staredown.
…but instead of a hug, they just ended up standing really close to each other and staring down at their toes.


Chwan steps in to give Danny a push!
Danny getting a little push from his Daddy.


This looks like a scene from an Asian drama.
This looks like a scene from a sappy Asian drama. lol


Checking out the toys!
Back at home, checking out the toys inside the eggs. Instead of the usual chocolates and candies, the eggs were filled with little stickers, toys, and other goodies that are fun for kids to play with.


Easter stamps from inside the eggs!
Cute Easter-themed stamps from inside the eggs!


Testing the parachute with a bunny!
There was even little bunny dolls with parachutes attached to them. Here Mio is trying to test one out.


Mio had such a great time at the egg hunt, and was playing with the eggs and the little goodies from inside the eggs all day yesterday, even reaching for them right after she awoke from her nap! It must have been just that much fun for her. Special thanks to Danny, Stephanie, and Chwan for planning and preparing the egg hunt and having us over! It was a very fun and memorable occasion for our whole family!