Hope everyone had a very merry Christmas holiday! We had a wonderful time spending it with my family at home. Here are some memorable moments from Christmas morning… it was Mio’s second Christmas ever!

Mio on Christmas morning
Mio on Christmas morning


She looks so grownup here!
She looks so grownup here! Playing with her awesome magnetic wooden Tegu blocks from my parents.


Mio with her toy kitchen from Uncle Ted!
Mio with her toy kitchen from Uncle Ted! I think I was even more excited than she was!


Playing with the bells from Dan's parents
Playing with the bells from Dan’s parents


Having a grand time!
Thank you Grandpa and Grandma!


As many of you know, Christmas Day is also my birthday, and this year was an extra special milestone as it was my 30th birthday! Dan made it truly memorable by showering me with little treats, gifts, and love notes during the twelve days leading up to my birthday (instead of the Twelve Days of Christmas), and of course I appreciated all the birthday messages from friends and family!

My 30th birthday
Celebrating my 30th birthday in the evening.


Mio taste-testing my cake
Mio got to taste-test my tiramisu birthday cake that Dan & my mom prepared for me.


Make a wish...
Making a wish…


30 has been wonderful so far, and I am so happy as long as I have this sweet girl and Dan by my side! They are my everything. ♥ Thank you to everyone who sent birthday messages, cards, and even gifts. And finally, thank you to everyone who supported and contributed to my charity: water campaign. Thanks to all of our collective efforts of 37 donations, we were able to surpass the $1,000 goal and raise $1,030! This will help 51 people get access to safe, clean water. In 18 months, we’ll be able to see exactly which products we’ve funded and the communities we were able to help. Thank you for helping to make such a big difference this year and making my 30th really count! My birthday wish has come true, and it’s one I’ll never forget. 🙂


Warm holiday wishes from our little family. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! ♥