With two tablets in the household (Dan’s ASUS Transformer Prime and my iPad), Mio knows tablet technology all too well. Combine that with seeing us using our smartphones, she’s gotten to be such a pro at knowing how touch-screens work. She’s even sat at my desktop computer and tried to swipe the screen on several occasions!
Here’s a video of Mio learning about animals through a couple Japanese children’s apps on my iPad. She’s a pro at switching between apps and touching things on the screen.
It’s a very different age that children are growing up in these days! There’s so much technology surrounding them everywhere. We still want Mio to appreciate books and tactile toys rather than get addicted to the screen and all things digital, so we try to limit the time she spends playing on the tablet and watching things on the screen. (I usually try to wrench her away and distance her from the screen to save her eyesight….)
On a somewhat related note, I found this video from last December, when we celebrated Christmas with Dan’s family in California, before leaving for Virginia. We surprised Dan with the ASUS tablet that he’d been wishfully admiring — I rallied both sides of the family to chip in to get it for him for his birthday! I love how stunned he is by the gift, and was glad that we could get it on video. 🙂
Not sure what to get for his birthday this year, though. I kind of dug myself a hole by raising the bar too high – now almost every gift I give him will pale in comparison…
October 11, 2012 @ 7:17 pm
I feel like I should get those games so I can learn some more Japanese, haha.
October 11, 2012 @ 8:18 pm
haha* You should! They’re pretty fun, even for grownups! 🙂
October 11, 2012 @ 8:07 pm
i think its commendable you are still putting emphasis on tacticle toys and print books. I refuse to buy any of the light up gadgetry toys for Vinh’s niece. They are as common as pennies on the ground and she gets almost all of that type of toy during her birthdays and xmases. Instead, I get the blocks, the stuffed animals, the books, the puzzles…important things that have you learning and touching and interacting. I love technology and I love apps and I am all about balancing the two for equal exposure.
October 11, 2012 @ 8:23 pm
I totally agree! There are so many high-tech toys out there lately that it can be overwhelming! Since having Mio, I’ve found that I actually prefer the old-fashioned, really simple wooden toys a lot of the time, partially because they take me back to my own childhood but also because they seem to hold up the best in the long run. And of course books! I was such a bookworm as a kid that I’d read books under the covers after my bedtime, so I’m really happy to see that Mio loves books even more than the iPad. Nothing can replace the bonding time that comes from parents reading to their children. 🙂
October 14, 2012 @ 8:51 pm
What a cool surprise for Dan on his birthday! He seems genuinely surprised. And Mio looks like she’s already a pro at manipulating the iPad… uh ohz!