We spent Sunday afternoon at Oktoberfest in Reston Town Center! Dan’s new office building is right in Reston Town Center, so it was a nice opportunity to go see the area he works in and also enjoy the good eats/drinks and carnival rides that the festival had to offer! It was pretty cold and misty, but we still had a great time! 😀
We were cracking up at how big Mio was smiling when she got there, with her hands folded in her lap. It looks almost like she’s a villain (think Dr. Burns from The Simpsons)!
What is Oktoberfest without a cup of overpriced (but apparently delicious) beer?
Delicious steamed mussels from McCormick & Schmick’s
My sister and I don’t like nor drink beer, so our main focus was the food!
Amazing chicken kabobs from Midtown Kabob
…complete with samosa, also yummy!
Enjoying the meal while Mio looks on.
Peruvian chicken from Pollo Peru. So. Effing. Good.
Mio reaching for some while we chow down.
She grabbed a french fry!
Mio’s learned how to do “cheers!” and clink her cup against another person’s, but she’s so into it that she’ll do it with every type of food she happens to share with you, and multiple times (as in every five seconds). So when she and I both had Peruvian french fries in hand, she insisted on toasting and bumping them together… over and over. Here it is on video!
We just couldn’t get enough of that chicken, so we went and got a second plate to share!
Mio kept whipping her head back and forth to look at all the people passing by. She was so curious about everything that was going on around her.
A Daddy’s girl moment.
Enjoying the view from Auntie Miwa’s shoulders.
Buying tickets for the carnival rides.
There was a train ride that we could all ride together.
Our little family on the train.
Mio kept saying “ppo ppo” (Japanese equivalent of “choo choo,” the sound of a train puffing out smoke) while riding.
After the ride was done, she was eager for more carnival fun!
Mio kept saying “ba~ ba~” when she saw the Jamaican banana.
A carnival isn’t complete without funnel cake! So of course, we had to get one.
Miwa and Dan wanted to go on one of the scarier/intense rides. Here they are before taking flight.
Mio was really scared for them! When the ride lifted up into the air and started flying around, she started screaming and clung onto my legs. Poor girl was scared for her Daddy and auntie…
Dan and Miwa flying in the air! It looked terrifying, but they seemed to enjoy it.
As a finale, we took Mio on the carousel. She doesn’t really understand the difference between horses and cows yet, so she kept mooing and making cow noises while waiting in line and riding on the carousel. I corrected her the first couple times, but it was pretty cute so I just let her moo the whole ride through.
Mio getting on the carousel.
She had a very grave expression on her face the entire time.
Clenching her teeth! Mio’s been on carousels and merry-go-rounds a few times before, but she seemed more uptight this time – maybe because it was cold?
Of course, when the ride ended, she started getting upset and wanted to go on again… (On a separate note, isn’t the heart-shaped elbow patch on her jacket adorable? My mom got this jacket for her.)
Like with the Marin County Fair, there were a lot of rides Mio couldn’t go on because she wasn’t 36 inches tall, so that was kind of a bummer. Maybe in a year or two, she’ll get to enjoy more of the rides! 🙂
October 8, 2012 @ 3:32 pm
Like like like like like….
October 8, 2012 @ 4:19 pm
awwww looks like it was a fun day! =)
it’ll be a couple decades before mio can truly enjoy what oktoberfest is all about! =P
October 11, 2012 @ 6:46 pm
It was pretty fun! 😀
Mio got to enjoy a lot of the food, too! 🙂
October 8, 2012 @ 7:24 pm
October 11, 2012 @ 6:46 pm