September has been quite an eventful month, with plenty of ups and downs! With a cross-country move and a whirlwind of changes, it’s been both exciting and exhausting. I’m ready for things to calm down and to just sit back, breathe in the fall air, and admire the beautiful colors that autumn will bring. (I think the fall season is one of the things I missed the most about the East Coast!)

Mio has been loving all the space she has to run around in, and practically lives in the backyard during the daytime. Here are some snapshots I took with my phone yesterday while she was enjoying the last of the September sunshine…

Mio on my childhood swingset.
Mio on my childhood swingset.


In the sun's spotlight.
In the sun’s spotlight.


Surrounded by green.
Surrounded by green.


fence + ivy
fence + ivy


Very rustic.


Mio with a leaf.
Mio with a leaf. She can say “happa” (Japanese word for “leaf”) now.


By the back porch.


On the tractor.


Playing with bowls in the kitchen.
Pulling bowls out to play with.


Little troublemaker.
She loves arranging all the colorful bowls on the floor.