Dan’s mother gave us a Japanese cucumber plant recently, and Mio has been helping us water it with her mini watering can. It’s a very cute sight to see!
She’s got it down!
Getting some occasional help from Daddy…
She occasionally tries to drink the water in the can, but for the most part, she does her watering well.
Mio watching Daddy closely while he cares for the plants.
So sweet…
Walking around the front yard with her watering can – so adorable. ã“ã®å¾Œã‚姿ã«èƒ¸ãŒã‚ュン♥
Looking up at the window.
Mio is already such a sweet little helper! Next up, teaching her to do the dishes…. haha* I kid.
It was part of a sandbox playset that we got at Target recently — it included the watering can, a bucket, a shovel, sifter, rake, and some sand molds as well as a sand tower. Mio’s been trying to take other kids’ sand toys whenever we go to the playground, so I figured we should buy her some of her own. 🙂
July 2, 2012 @ 10:49 am
Most lovely. Kids learning about dirt and watering and growing things is so healthy.
July 2, 2012 @ 12:37 pm
aww. the pictures are too cute. She has her own sprout on the top of her head, lol!
July 3, 2012 @ 1:17 pm
hahaha* Yup, she has a little green thumb!
July 2, 2012 @ 12:39 pm
i just melted!
July 3, 2012 @ 7:24 pm
where’d you find that little watering container?
it is def adorable; I’m sure my rents were tickled to see that 🙂
July 5, 2012 @ 12:04 am
It was part of a sandbox playset that we got at Target recently — it included the watering can, a bucket, a shovel, sifter, rake, and some sand molds as well as a sand tower. Mio’s been trying to take other kids’ sand toys whenever we go to the playground, so I figured we should buy her some of her own. 🙂