They came out great!

Dan loves all things coconut, so I made chocolate-dipped coconut macaroons for him as a Father’s Day treat! This was my first time making coconut macaroons, but I found that they were surprisingly easy to make, and require few ingredients. (I hate when I set out to make something and find that there are 20+ ingredients listed — my lazy self is immediately turned off and discouraged by such things.) I’d been feeling under the weather since Saturday evening with a slight fever, congestion, and runny nose, but I was determined not to let my cold get in the way of doing something special for Daddy. They turned out great, and Dan loved them!


Coconut macaroons for Dan!
Coconut macarons, out of the oven.


Nicely toasted
Nicely toasted coconut flakes!


Chocolate-dipped macaroons
Dipped in chocolate for extra yummy goodness!


My first time making them!
Look at those beauties!


There was one member of the family who was not happy with the whole experience, though… little Mio is not allowed to have such sweets yet, much to her distress.

"I want them!"
“I want themmm!”


...but she just got more upset.
She’s never had a chance to try anything like macaroons, but somehow, she knew they were good.


Reaching for the macaroons
…and that she needed to get her hands on them.


Mio was really upset that she couldn't have any.
Sorry bubby, only carrots for you!


Dan, on the other hand, was thrilled and very pleased with his treats. Mission accomplished! 😀

Happy Father's Day, Dan!
Happy Father’s Day, Dan!