Yesterday, we went into the doctor for Mio’s one year checkup — it was a couple months overdue because we were in Virginia for a while. As usual, Mio’s pediatrician commented on how healthy and great she looked, and we got the latest stats on Mio’s growth.
This time, Mio was weighed on a regular adult scale standing up with all her clothes on, and she weighed just over 23 lbs, so the nurse estimated that she weighed about 22 lbs 2 oz without her clothing, which is in the 46th growth percentile based on weight-for-age, the first time she’s been below the 50th percentile. The pediatrician assured us that she’s still very healthy, and that it’s very normal for toddler’s weight gain to plateau like that, especially when they get really active with walking and climbing everywhere as Mio’s been doing.
Mio measured 31.5 inches long, in the 87th growth percentile based on length-for-age… which is 2.5 inches taller than the measurement we took for Mio on her growth chart… I guess our measuring skills were way off! (><)
Mio’s head circumference seemed to have stayed exactly the same, at  17.99 inches (45.7 cm) around, which is now in the 50th growth percentile based on head circumference-for-age.
I’m a bit perplexed by all the measurements, because the weight seems less than what we expected, the height seems taller, and it seems strange that Mio’s head hasn’t grown at all in the past four months… so I have a feeling the nurse was not very precise in taking all the measurements, but then again, I guess we should trust the clinic more than our at-home measuring tools!
Mio had to get six shots for the vaccinations she was due for, and as expected, she cried and it was an unpleasant experience. She calmed down pretty quickly after I held her and then gave her a book to look at while in the stroller on the way home. When we got home, I set up her inflatable pool for her to play with outside.

Mio was pretty content and happy thanks to the pool, but then broke out with a slight fever in the early evening, most likely due to the vaccinations. She seemed very uncomfortable and cried a lot, and it was hard to watch. 🙁 The fever’s gone down today, though, and she’s back to her cheery self, much to our relief! 🙂
June 14, 2012 @ 11:56 am
That’s a pretty baller pool there… 🙂 Do I see curls/waves in her hair?? She’s growing up fast!
June 14, 2012 @ 12:14 pm
It is! We actually saw that Pat and Theo got one for Anna, and since it looked so cool and was such a great price on Amazon, we got one ourselves for Mio! 🙂
Mio does have natural curls in her hair! 😀 Dan has straight hair, but his father has curly hair… and then I have naturally wavy hair (which is weird for an Asian… I always wanted the typical straight Asian hair!), so not sure if it is from me or a recessive Allen gene that has suddenly come out.
June 16, 2012 @ 12:15 am
I agree that sometimes those height, weight, and head circumference measurements that the nurses get are perplexing. I took Jinwoo’s height measurement at home, and the day at his 18 month check up, the nurse mark him 2 inches taller.
June 18, 2012 @ 12:10 am
I’m glad I’m not alone! I was really surprised at how different my at-home measurements were from the clinic’s! Maybe because they also stretch them out horizontally on the measuring tool, they seem taller when they are just standing up.