I was just reflecting on the amazing baby shower that our West Coast friends threw us exactly a year ago on March 12 of 2011, and I realized that I had never shared the beautiful photographs that our friend Tea of Dreambox Photography took at the shower for our memory books. As usual, her photos are gorgeous and captured the day beautifully! I was floored by how extravagant a shower our friends Megumi & company threw for us, and continue to be moved by it every time I look at these pictures!
Many of our friends have asked where we’ve gotten some of our portrait and newborn photographs taken, saying how much they love the dreamy, ethereal, and slightly vintage look to the pictures. If you’re ever looking to get photographs taken for any occasion, whether it be a wedding, engagement, portraits or family pictures, Dreambox Photography comes with our highest recommendation!
March 12, 2012 @ 6:27 pm
You are so lucky to have such beautiful pictures of such a special day.
March 13, 2012 @ 11:33 am
Yes! I will definitely treasure these photos forever… 🙂 And someday, I’ll be able to show them to Mio, too! 🙂
March 12, 2012 @ 7:32 pm
I can’t believe it’s already been a year! It was so much fun and your friend Tea is amazing! It was truly an honor to host such a great party for you, Dan & Mio 🙂
March 13, 2012 @ 11:36 am
I can’t believe it’s already been a year, either! But then again, I see how Mio has grown so much and I can’t believe that only a year ago, she was still in my belly… I suppose this is what they mean by, “the days are long but the years are short.”
We had such a wonderful time, and felt so loved — we will treasure these memories forever! 😀
March 15, 2012 @ 1:41 am
such gorgeous photos!! =) your friend is so talented!! the memories will be preserved forever thru these photos….lucky you! =)
March 15, 2012 @ 4:46 pm
I know; we’re so lucky to have such lovely photos of this amazing baby shower! So grateful. ♥