As mentioned last week in Mio’s 8-month update, our baby girl has been practicing self-feeding with finger foods! We started her out with Happy Baby’s Organic Puffs a couple weeks ago — we thought it was a healthier alternative to the Gerber Graduates Puffs, which are popular in starting babies on finger foods. They’re organic and have less sugar content than Gerber’s puffs, and apparently still taste as good! To be extra healthy, we started Mio on the greens puffs, which contains spinach, collard greens and kale, before we move onto the sweeter flavors that Happy Baby makes. She’s loved them from Day One! We used to split the puffs in half because although they’re supposed to sort of melt in the mouth, we were still worried about her choking from prematurely swallowing, but now that she’s gotten the hang of it, we give them to her whole. In the beginning, they would get stuck in the palm of her hand and half of them would never make it into her mouth. While her pincer grip is not completely perfected just yet, Mio has learned how to grasp the puff and successfully shove them into her mouth! The funny thing is that whenever we sprinkle some on her high chair tray, she somehow feels like she has to grab them all at once, so she attempts to grab them by the handful… and then when we start adding more to the tray while she’s working on getting the ones that are already in her hand into her mouth, she gets frustrated because there’s more than she can handle at once. Not sure where the “Gotta-Catch-’em-All” mentality comes from, but it’s entertaining to watch. It’s okay to take things one puff at a time, Mio….
We’ve also started introducing Japanese baby crackers to her in the past week, too. I picked them up at the local Japanese grocery, and I break them up into little pieces and hand them to her to grab and eat. They also melt in the mouth, and come in vegetable flavors that with little sugar. She has been gobbling them up, too! She definitely enjoys self-feeding with snacks more than when we feed her baby food. Recently, she tries to grab the spoon and bowl of baby food on her own and ends up making a huge mess! Trying to be little Miss Independent already….
Here’s a video of Mio eating her finger foods! (Sorry it’s a little out of focus. I’m not as good as Dan at taking footage with the DSLR….)
…and here are some photos of our messy eater:
In the past couple days, our whole family has come down with a cold. I’m feeling the sickest of the bunch, with a sore throat and head congestion. Dan has been feeling some milder symptoms in the throat, and Mio has a runny nose and is sneezing… her throat also sounds a little hoarse. I’m kicking myself for letting ourselves get sick, especially Mio (since it’s her first time getting sick), and I’m frustrated because I’m pretty certain I know the exact place and person we contracted it from this past weekend. I can’t overdose on cold medicine as I usually do to get better because I’m nursing, so I’ve just been drinking lots of fluids (tea and chicken soup) and gulping down spoonfuls of lemon juice and honey, which has been helping. I hope we all get over this soon… I hate being sick, especially during the holiday season!
Thankfully, Mio still seems pretty energetic and cheerful despite it all. Still crawling and standing up wherever she goes….
December 8, 2011 @ 5:57 pm
These are the puffs we use! You are so right, a better alternative to the sugary ones…Target also carries a brand called Plum Organics – they have a variety of “colors”, we like those too. 🙂
December 11, 2011 @ 10:18 am
They’re great – she loves them! I’ll have to try those Plum Organics ones, too. Are they cheaper? Mio has been eating a lot of them lately….
December 8, 2011 @ 6:45 pm
I love the crunching sounds!
December 9, 2011 @ 9:13 pm
Yup, she loves using those little teeth to break apart the crackers! 🙂 Not pleasant when she uses them to chomp down while nursing, though. 🙁
December 9, 2011 @ 1:42 pm
Wow she’s pretty good at feeding herself already! Gobbled it all up!
December 9, 2011 @ 9:13 pm
Yea, that’s one thing the whole family is good at — eating! lol
December 11, 2011 @ 2:36 pm
She is just too cute…especially in that hat!!
December 20, 2011 @ 1:23 pm
heehee* Thank you! 😀 So glad you got to see her on Saturday!