Yesterday was Mio’s first Thanksgiving, and also our first Thanksgiving as a family of three! We drove over to Dan’s parents’ house in San Lorenzo in the late morning, and helped out in cooking what would become a delicious feast.
We brought the Pack n’ Play with us so that Mio could play in it while we were busy cooking. Dan’s parents’ dog Choco was very curious and kept sticking his nose against the playpen. Mio was almost equally as curious about Choco, but she’d cringe and grimace every time he’d try to lick her on the face.
After everyone’s collaborative hard work, it was time to dig in… everything was amazing. I ate so much that at the meal’s end, I felt as stuffed as the turkey I ate.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, Mio tried turkey and gravy baby food for the first time. Unfortunately, she was not a fan.
She did, however, love her sweet potato. No surprise there!
Here’s Mio, getting entertained by Grandma.
We were letting Mio play with a bottle of vitamins, and she started making funny sounds with it. She’s quite the musician!
After all the excitement, Mio was quite tired and fell asleep in Grandpa’s arms…
This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for family and friends both near and far, for good health, for the freedom and opportunities to do what I love, and for the ability to give, and enrich my life and those of others. I am especially thankful this year for our darling little Mio, whom I have grown to love more unconditionally, selflessly, and boundlessly than I ever have before.
We hope everyone’s Thanksgiving was also full of love, good cheer, delicious food, and lots to be thankful for.
November 25, 2011 @ 10:28 pm
Mio chan! =) so cute.
November 28, 2011 @ 7:51 pm
heehee* Thanks Ramya! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! π
November 27, 2011 @ 11:39 am
Very sweet–I’m glad you all could spend Thanksgiving together. Thanks for including video–it’s priceless seeing Mio’s toothless (sorta) smile. π
November 28, 2011 @ 7:51 pm
We missed you! I’m glad you enjoyed the video… her toothy smiles are funny!