Playing with her feet.

We went to the doctor today for Mio’s 6-month checkup. Her pediatrician, upon examining her, said that she is “the picture of health, and just perfect.”  Just the words a mama likes to hear! 🙂 I had been a little concerned about a dry cough Mio has exhibited occasionally over the past week… but she only coughs once or twice a day, has no fever, and is her regular happy self…. Her doctor said that it’s nothing to worry about, so that’s a relief!

As for the latest growth stats for Mio, today she weighed 19lbs 5oz, which is in the 92nd growth percentile based on weight-for-age. Our chubster is getting quite heavy! No wonder our arms are sore these days….

For her height, she measured 26.75 inches long, in the 76th growth percentile based on length-for-age. (The pediatrician said, “She’s going to take after her dad, and will beat you in height. You’ll be the shrimp in the family!” Thanks…? hahaha*)

Mio’s head circumference was 17.52 inches, which is in the 90th growth percentile based on head circumference-for-age. I’m tellin’ ya, the girl’s got a huge head!

Mio got her third round of vaccination shots administered today, along with the flu shot. (That’s a lot of needles! 🙁 It still pains me to watch her getting shots, and as they say, it’s probably rougher on the parents than on the baby.) She cried bloody murder, but calmed as soon as I picked her up afterwards. It still amazes me how much comfort she finds in my arms… I’m still so clueless and new at this whole mothering business, but it’s sweet reassurance that I must be doing something right! Mio will have to go in for her second dose of the flu shot in about a month, but after that, she won’t have to worry about needles for a while! Good news for both Mio and for Mama!

Love the little details... like the bow and the anchor buttons.

28 weeks old.

(Photos above are from last Sunday at the grandparents’ house.)

Something cute Mio has been doing lately: when I hold out my hand towards her, she’ll army crawl towards it to reach for it and put her little hand in mine. Here it is on video!

If I make her do it too many times without picking her up, though, she starts to get cranky, as is the case below:

Alright, alright… for all that hard work, I will smother you in huggles! 🙂