Last winter, I bought this adorable winged onesie in hopes that Mio could wear it the following December as our little Christmas angel. Estimating that she’d be close to nine months by then, I bought it in the 9-month size, naively unaware that babies rarely follow the month-sizing that’s on baby clothing. Mio is not even five months old now, and she barely fits in 9-month sized clothes! And so here I am, cursing myself that I should have gotten the 12-month size. The angel outfit is definitely going to be too small for her come the holiday season, but I still wanted to get some cute photos out of the outfit.

So here is our angel Mio with her cute little golden wings…

Someday I'll fly away...

Her head is too heavy...

Angel Mio with Mommy

goofy smile

Little gold angel wings


Our little photo session ended with a faceplant. ::sigh:: ….

No worries, Mio — we’ll totally be the wind beneath your wings! 😉