It finally felt like summer here in the East Bay this weekend, so we decided to get out and enjoy the nice weather with an impromptu family picnic over in Tilden Park in Berkeley. We set a blanket down on the field and ate the sandwiches and fruit we brought, and just soaked up the sun for a couple hours….

Daddy and Mio

Enjoying the lovely weather

Mommy and Mio

Daddy and Mio

Dan eating his sandwich

Mommy and Mio

21-week old Mio

I created a makeshift canopy to shade Mio from the sun, with a blanket and some help from the wind… 😉

giving Mio some shade


Mio on her first picnic

Hopefully the warm weather will continue for a few more weeks so we can get some more outings in… I’m not ready to say goodbye to summer yet!