My friend from college, Esther, is in Fairfield for a few weeks for her residency, so we drove up to meet up with her on Sunday. We decided to visit the famous Jelly Belly Factory that is in Fairfield — I’ve always wanted to go, and this was the perfect opportunity to check it out! 🙂
Dan and Mio in front of the giant Jelly Belly.
We got there a little early, so we snapped a bunch of photos outside the factory.
Jelly Belly sign in front of the building.
This portrait of Ronald Reagan is made of jelly beans!
Meeting up with Esther outside.
I hadn't seen Esther in years, since I'd graduated from Tech. I was so happy to see her again!!!
Inside the Jelly Belly factory at Fairfield
Mio was wide awake the whole time we were at the factory.
Mio while waiting in line for the factory tour to begin.
We got Jelly Belly hats at the beginning of the tour, and even Mio got one to wear!
Her eyes twinkled as she took in all the candy around her. Too bad she can't eat it yet!
Our little family, as we entered the tour.
We weren’t allowed to take photographs during the tour, so I snagged a few online to show what the factory looked like. It was a forty-minute tour with videos, and we got to walk around to view different areas of the factory through glass windows and got to sample the jelly beans from each step of the process. It was really interesting to see all the steps involved in making Jelly Belly’s jelly beans — I never realized it was so involved and that it took over two weeks to make them! I’ve always loved Jelly Bellies, but I have an even deeper appreciation for them now!
The photo that was taken of us during the tour. Mio actually looked at the camera!
We received complimentary bags of jelly beans at the end of the tour, and they gave us one for Mio, too! No worries, Mio -- Mommy will make sure they don't go to waste! 😉
There was a "sample bar" where you could sample the various flavors, but I was not brave enough to try the more adventurous yucky flavors...
After the tour, we shopped around the souvenir shop. I didn't realize Jelly Belly made so much more than just jelly beans!
Mio looks a little overwhelmed by all the candy.
There were even Hello Kitty Jelly Bellies!
A cupcake made out of jelly beans!
My reflection in the funhouse mirror. It shows exactly how I felt when leaving after trying all that candy... Fatty McFat Fat.
With Esther outside the factory.
We had a fun time at the factory, but we were hungry for some real food afterwards so we headed over to get some sushi lunch at Yo Sushi.
Esther holding Mio at lunch.
A bright-eyed Mio meeting Auntie Esther for the first time!
Mio loved her! (Thank you Auntie Hyo for the adorable dress!)
It was wonderful seeing you again, Esther! Thank you for meeting up with us during your busy schedule, and good luck with the rest of your residency! 🙂
i had so much fun Misono! it was great seeing you! I can’t wait to see Mio grow!! Actually I can, i hope she keeps those chubby thighs for a lil longer!
August 17, 2011 @ 4:41 pm
I wanted to go there! that hat is way too big on mio.. i’m surprised they even gave her one.. haha
Thanks for the laugh 🙂 Mom and I enjoyed the photos and the captions!
August 18, 2011 @ 2:19 pm
I wish we could have gone together! Yea, the hat was pretty big on her… she was getting buried in it! hahaha*
August 17, 2011 @ 9:36 pm
i had so much fun Misono! it was great seeing you! I can’t wait to see Mio grow!! Actually I can, i hope she keeps those chubby thighs for a lil longer!
August 18, 2011 @ 2:20 pm
We had a great time with you, too! I know… I’ll be sad the day she no longer has those chubby cheeks and thunder thighs! 🙁