Mio has been having a rough time with tummy time lately. Although when she first started out, she did pretty well with it and started being able to lift her head up a little, the past few weeks have been difficult. Within the first couple minutes of putting her face down on her playmat, she will start screaming and crying. It’s hard to watch, and she won’t even try to do tummy time anymore, so I tend to give up too and just pick her up again.
In hopes to improve Mio’s tummy time experience, I ordered a “tummy time mat” and had it delivered to my parents’ house in Virginia. It’s a mat with a pillow for Mio to rest her head and arms on, to make tummy time a little easier with less of the face-plant aspect.

The road to successful tummy time still feels long, but the new mat seems to be helping a little. At least there are no more tears and screams. We’ll just take it slowly day by day, at a pace Mio is comfortable with. 🙂
June 17, 2011 @ 1:24 pm
Omg–these pics are hilarious!!! The one where she looks frustrated is particularly funny. She is so cute! Love the plaid dress she’s wearing. Hope your and her plane trip went smoothly.
June 18, 2011 @ 7:21 pm
Aren’t they funny? She’s going to kill me when she grows up, but I just couldn’t help but laugh when taking these photos. The plane trip went okay… she cried for a bit, but thankfully slept through most of it. 🙂
June 17, 2011 @ 5:25 pm
such a good mom to be so patient. i think i appreciate the fact that you understand that your daughter will do things at her own pace. makes me smile just thinking of it. love ya misono! you’re doing great! and again – these pictures just melt my heart!
June 18, 2011 @ 7:23 pm
Thank you Megumi! I’ve already found myself comparing Mio to other babies, wondering “Why can’t Mio do that too?” but I need to remind myself that children, especially babies, develop at different paces and I can’t rush them. Thank you so much for your sweet and encouraging words. I can only hope that I’m doing a decent job as a mother…. 🙂