Mio has been soaking in love from both sides of the family. Dan’s parents were there for her birth and helped out a lot during her first week… and my mother’s been in town since this past weekend and has been doting on her non-stop. 🙂 Mio is getting spoiled with all this attention from her loving grandparents! I can’t wait until she gets to meet my father, too, since he’s the last grandparent she hasn’t met yet. (He is on a business trip this week, and could not make it across the country with my mother.)


Mio with her grandmommies
Mio with her two grandmommies!


Welcome Mio!
Cake for Mio, celebrating her first week.


Sorry Mio, you can't have any.
Sorry Mio... you can't have any yet.


Baby Mio with her parents and grandparents!


She loves to explore with her hands
She loves to explore with her hands right now.


Ready to go on a walk
Mio wearing the sleeper that my mother got for her. 🙂


Grandma is in love with you!
Grandma has been waiting for you for so long! She is so in love with you.


My mother’s here for another couple days until she leaves on Friday night. The week is already flying by and I wish we had more time with her here before she goes back to Virginia. I wish we weren’t so far away from my family, so that they could all come and see Mio, but I’m sure there’ll be an opportunity soon when she can meet Mommy’s family too. 🙂

After this coming weekend, I’ll be flying solo with Mio, as Dan is back at work and I won’t have any grandparents around to depend on. It’s a little daunting, but because we’ve gotten so much help this first couple of weeks, I feel like I’ve really been able to recover and adjust enough that I will be able to handle it… and for that, I am grateful.