It’s been almost a week since we welcomed our baby daughter into the world, and we have been kept on our toes! Besides the conventional challenges of adjusting to parenthood and the sleep deprivation associated with the feeding and sleep schedule of a newborn, we’ve had a couple curveballs thrown our way to add to the mix.
We were discharged from the hospital on Sunday evening. Normally, we would have been discharged from the hospital 24 hours after birth (provided you had a regular vaginal birth without any complications) so we were expecting to leave Sunday morning, but I had actually had a fever break out towards the end of my labor that continued to persist for a few hours after the delivery. The nurses at the hospital continued to monitor my temperature and blood pressure in the postpartum recovery room, and they didn’t want to discharge us until it had been 24 hours since my fever had gone down. By the time 6pm of Sunday rolled around, Dan and I were both packed up and eager to leave the hospital and get home. As nice as it was to have the nurses running around and taking care of us, we just wanted to have some privacy and freedom to get our new little family settled back at home. Mio had been incredibly peaceful during our time at the hospital, doing great with breastfeeding, sleep, and diaper changes, rarely crying in her first 36 hours out of the womb. It had us thinking that perhaps this whole life-with-a-newborn deal wouldn’t be too difficult after all.
And of course, as soon as we returned from the hospital, we were proved wrong. On our first night home, we were kept up for virtually the entire night because of Mio’s shrieking and crying. We tried everything we could think of — feeding, burping, diaper changes, swaddling, rocking, changing her into different clothes to see if she was too hot or too cold… nothing seemed to work. She finally went to sleep in the early hours or the morning, but by that time, we only had a couple hours before we had to wake up to take her to her first pediatric appointment at the clinic in Richmond.
So Monday morning, we drove bleary-eyed and harried to the clinic for Mio’s checkup. We first went to the lab to get blood drawn for a bilirubin and hematoid test. When they stuck the needle in Mio’s foot, she screamed and cried uncontrollably, as you would expect. We then went to the pediatric unit to have her weight checked and to hear the results of the tests. The results were not very good. Mio’s weight had dropped since birth, which is typical of newborns, but the pediatrician told us that she was concerned that her bilirubin was pretty high — a sign of neonatal jaundice. 🙁 The pediatrician told us to put her in indirect sunlight by the window, and to come back for another blood draw test the following morning. We followed her directive and did just that, and that night was yet another rough night with bouts of inconsolable crying. Despite our efforts, Tuesday morning’s blood tests (through which Mio cried once again) showed that the bilirubin was still high and that Mio’s weight had dropped even more, losing close to 10% of her birthweight, which is considered borderline dangerous to the baby’s health. The pediatrician noticed that Mio had become increasingly lethargic, and told us that she wanted us to start supplementing her feedings with formula temporarily, and come in the following morning for yet another test. The best way to get jaundice to go down is to make sure the baby’s getting fed enough to flush it out of her system, but my breast milk hadn’t completely come in yet and so Mio was still only getting colostrum and some transition milk at that time. From the outset of my pregnancy, I had really wanted to try my best to breastfeed as much as possible and not have to rely on formula so when I was told that, I felt like a failure that I already wasn’t able to give Mio enough to keep her healthy in her first few days. Of course, by this point we were desperate and willing to do anything to help bring the jaundice down, so we started feeding Mio formula along with whatever breast milk I was producing. Wednesday morning’s tests showed that the bilirubin had gone down and that Mio was gaining her weight back, and the pediatrician told us that things were definitely looking better and that we didn’t have to come back for any more tests, provided that we didn’t notice anything abnormal in the coming days. My breast milk finally started to come in yesterday, so I’m hoping that I’ll soon be able to get Mio back on solely breastfeeding so I won’t have to depend on formula to keep her well-fed.
It was a stressful and worrisome few days for us new parents with the whole jaundice issue, but it is finally going away and Mio seems to be doing much better in the last couple days. She’s also been doing better at night, only waking up for feedings and diaper changes, and there has been a lot less of the colicky crying that we suffered through from the first couple of nights. (Thank goodness!)
Dan has been on paternity leave this week, so it has been really helpful to have him around during this first week — without him, I may have lost my mind with Mio’s health complications. Dan’s mother has also been incredibly helpful and she stayed with us through Thursday, helping make meals, clean, and take care of Mio when we were at wit’s end and needed some extra sleep. My own mother is flying in from Virginia tonight and will be staying with us through next Friday, so it’ll be really nice to have her here as well. I’m so grateful for all the support and help we are getting from our family and loved ones — the transition into motherhood would definitely be a lot bumpier without them!
As for myself, my recovery from childbirth has been going pretty fast and smoothly, much to even my own surprise. There’s still some pain here and there, and I am definitely taking things easy and napping occasionally while the baby sleeps, but I’ve been pretty mobile and have been able to go out and about every day since returning from the hospital without any issues. I’d say energy-wise, I am almost back to my usual self! I am definitely feeling a lot more able-bodied than I was towards the end of my pregnancy a week ago.
Here are some photos of Mio from her first week at home with us…

April 8, 2011 @ 9:15 pm
aw, she’s really cute! I like the one with your husband holding her after the bath. And she’s smiling already!
sucks about the jaundice and all though…must have been scary seeing her lose weight and the lethargy, etc. :/ Glad it’s back to normal. Ya know, I seem to remember my mom saying both me and my sister had jaundice when we were born, and it went away fine and all…so, she’ll be good 🙂
April 8, 2011 @ 9:17 pm
Thanks Laura! 🙂 That’s really reassuring to us that you and your sister both bounced back from jaundice as babies… Apparently, it’s not uncommon for infants, but it was still really alarming to us since we were already pretty overwhelmed being new to everything. So glad that things are looking better now though!
April 8, 2011 @ 9:38 pm
Oh noes! Jaundice + first baby is scary! I’d be like “oh crap. Did I break this baby? Did all the *insert pregnancy cravings here* mess my kid up?”. Of course, me getting to the point in my life where I’ve carried a baby to term and birthed it is also something that I am currently not prepared for. Anyways, I am glad that Mio’s health is headed in the right direction now.
April 9, 2011 @ 4:55 pm
I knowww that’s what I thought, too! I totally blamed myself for her getting jaundice. 🙁 So relieved that she’s doing better, though!
April 8, 2011 @ 9:54 pm
ãゃã‚ゆ~~~~~~~ã„♥ ã¤ã¶ã‚‰ãªãŠã‚ã‚♥
April 9, 2011 @ 4:55 pm
新生å…ã«ã—ã¦ã¯ã‹ã‚ã„ã„ã§ã—ょ?(笑)Of course I am biased… lol.
April 8, 2011 @ 10:20 pm
Hey, congrats Misono!
April 9, 2011 @ 4:57 pm
Thank you! 🙂
April 8, 2011 @ 10:28 pm
Thanks so much for updating us on the process of coming home after giving birth, it really gives me an idea of what it will be like for myself when that time comes around. And… CONGRATULATIONS! She is adorable 🙂
April 9, 2011 @ 4:58 pm
Kaori, you’ll be an awesome mommy when the time comes, I’m sure of it! 🙂 Thanks for the sweet message. Can’t wait for you to meet little Mio! 😀
April 8, 2011 @ 10:38 pm
Congratulations! Mio chan kawaiine!
April 9, 2011 @ 4:56 pm
Thank you ♥ We are already experiencing oyabaka syndrome. hahaha*
April 8, 2011 @ 11:35 pm
Oh my lord why is your baby so cute!
April 9, 2011 @ 4:56 pm
Aww thank you! We’re pretty smitten with her ourselves. 🙂
April 9, 2011 @ 12:57 am
so happy to see the updates Misono & Dan! Feeling for you though about the little bumps along the way, but life is always unpredictable and all we can do is hope to the best :), love you all and sending lots of love your way!
April 9, 2011 @ 4:59 pm
Thanks so much, Megumi! 🙂
We got off to a slightly bumpy start, but we’re hoping for relatively smooth sailing from here on. Thank you for sending your warm thoughts our way… I really can’t wait until she can meet loving Auntie Megumi. ♥
April 9, 2011 @ 1:38 am
Misono chan, you know all those 難ã—ã„日本語ã笑 ã§ã‚‚ã€è¨€ã‚ã‚Œã¦ã¿ã‚Œã°ç¢ºã‹ã«ï¼1週間ã—ã‹çµŒã£ã¦ãªã„ã®ã«ã€æ™®é€šã«ã‚«ãƒ¯ã‚¤ã‚¤ï¼ã£ã¦æ€ã†ãらã„「新生å…ã€ã«è¦‹ãˆã‚“ï¼ã¦ã‹ã€ç”Ÿã¾ã‚ŒãŸçž¬é–“ã‹ã‚‰ã‚«ãƒ¯ã‚¤ã‹ã£ãŸã‚ˆã?ï¼ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã€€ã‚ã€ãã†ã‹ï¼
April 9, 2011 @ 5:11 pm
ç§ãŸã¡ã‚‚newbornã«ã—ã¦ã¯ã‹ã‚ã„ã„ãªãã€ã£ã¦æ€ã£ã¦ãŸã‚“ã ã‘ã©ã‚‚ã¡ã‚ん親ãƒã‚«ãŒæ··ã˜ã£ã¦ã‚‹ã‹ã‚‰ã。(笑)ã§ã‚‚今ã®æ™‚点ã§ã¡ã‚‡ã£ã¨ã—ãŸç¬‘é¡”ã£ã½ã„表情ã¨ã‹æ™‚々見ã›ã¦ãれるã®ã§å¬‰ã—ã„ï¼ã€€
April 9, 2011 @ 1:39 am
ã‚ã‚Œã§ã™ã‚ˆã€å¥¥ã•ã‚“ã€ã‚ã‚Œï¼ã€€åå‰ã®ã›ã„ï¼ï¼ï¼ï¼ï¼ç¬‘ åå‰ãŒã‚«ãƒ¯ã‚¤ã‚¤ã®ã§ç¬‘
April 9, 2011 @ 5:11 pm
本当ã«åå‰ã‚’æ°—ã«å…¥ã£ã¦ãã‚Œã¦ã‚‹ã®ã‚“ã¡ã‚ƒã‚“ï¼ï¼ˆç¬‘)I hope she grows up lovely and sweet to live up to her name ♥
April 9, 2011 @ 4:10 am
Misono – Try to not let the “My breastmilk isn’t enough for my baby” thoughts get to you. Formula is sometimes required, and there is no shame in turning to it for help. Arina had a really hard time latching on (due to a difficult labor causing lock-jaw and a brief stay in the NICU separating her from Nicole, thus delaying the bonding process), and we had to supplement her with formula, fed through a tube taped to my finger. She couldn’t latch, which delayed Nicole’s milk production, caused stress (which further delayed production), and the lack of milk made it hard for Arina to learn how to latch.
But we stuck with it, attempting to latch every day, pumping like crazy, and eventually Nicole’s milk came in. The constant pumping tricked her body into thinking we had triplets, and Nicole *over-produced* for a while. And Arina’s lock-jaw went away, and she learned to latch and life went on.
We don’t always plan for the difficult stuff, but we as humans have an ability to rise to the occasion and cope and adapt to the curveballs life throws at us. You and Dan are doing fine! Mio looks beautiful, so just be glad that she is here in the world. The problems and trials you’ll face are going to be the best you ever will.
Stay strong, and get your rest!
April 9, 2011 @ 5:12 pm
Thank you so much for your comment and for sharing your experience with Arina! I had no idea that you guys also got off to a difficult start with breastfeeding, but it’s very reassuring to hear that if you stick with it, you can overcome such complications and achieve a healthy feeding style that works for your family. You’re right that there’s no shame in turning to formula when it’s necessary – what matters most is the baby’s wellbeing. 🙂 It’s always really enlightening to hear from parents who’ve already faced similar challenges and how they dealt with them.
April 9, 2011 @ 5:27 am
She is beautiful!!
April 16, 2011 @ 12:46 pm
Thank you Becca! 😀
April 9, 2011 @ 8:34 am
Jaundiceã¨ã‹è‰²ã€…心é…ã§å¤§å¤‰ãªä¸€é€±é–“ã ã£ãŸã¿ãŸã„ã ã‘ã©ã€å›žå¾©ã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹ã¿ãŸã„ã§ã‚ˆã‹ã£ãŸãï¼å育ã¦ãŒã‚“ã°ã£ã¦ï½žï¼ï¼ï¼¾ï¼¾
April 9, 2011 @ 5:16 pm
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April 9, 2011 @ 9:23 am
omg misono, mio is sooooooooo precious!!! i’m so sorry to hear she’s been sick though it seems like she’s on the mend now.
i say this all the time but i can’t wait to meet her 🙂
April 9, 2011 @ 5:18 pm
Thank you so much bestest!!! 🙂 We think she’s pretty adorable ourselves, but I keep telling myself that it’s because we’re her parents and we are obviously very biased. lol. I’m happy to hear that you think she’s cute too, though! ♥
The jaundice was a bit of scare, but I’m so happy that it’s been getting better.
She can’t wait to meet you either, bestest! 😀
April 9, 2011 @ 5:47 pm
Those are some super cute pics, especially that look during bath time :). Glad to hear that rough patch has passed. It’s definitely overwhelming to have to deal with all the inherent challenges of being new parents and dealing with extras like the jaundice but like you said, most babies do get jaundiced (physiologic jaundice)and the heel sticks and blood tests are very common (I know it’s no fun for mom, dad and baby though just the same). Yeah, and losing weight also happens to be somewhat typical as the milk comes in and good breastfeeding is established but I think Mio might have also been a little sleepy too, right? Probably because of the jaundice I’m guessing too since that’s what jaundice does. I’m glad that’s all resolved now and that she didn’t have to go for phototherapy etc. Anyway, you guys are doing great and Mio’s in good hands!
April 10, 2011 @ 3:08 am
Yea, it’s definitely a relief that that bump in the road (with the jaundice) has passed. Mio was pretty sleepy and lethargic the first couple of the days back from the hospital, probably because of the jaundice like you said and the fact that she wasn’t getting enough to eat. 🙁
Ted and Hanna came to visit earlier! 🙂 We were wishing you were here with us… Jane also stopped by to say hi to Mio and take some photos. 🙂 Hope that we can see you soon!
April 9, 2011 @ 5:49 pm
Oh I noticed the bruising on the back of her right hand. Did they stick her there? By the way, I’ve never heard of a “hematoid” test; what is that? I’m sure it’s blood related.
April 10, 2011 @ 3:12 am
Mio has bruises on both of her hands from where they stuck her for her Hepatitis B vaccine (they gave it to her only an hour or two after birth). The bruises still haven’t gone away… 🙁 They stuck her in the foot every time for the bilirubin tests.
I’m not sure what the “hematoid” portion of the test is, but at the lab, the paperwork said “bilirubin and hematoid test” – they only stuck her once and got a couple samples of blood every time, so maybe it’s all one test or two that go hand-in-hand..? I am not sure because I’ve only heard the pediatrician refer to the bilirubin results in regards to the tests….
April 9, 2011 @ 6:32 pm
Oh god…she is such a cutie patotie…!
April 10, 2011 @ 3:12 am
Thank you!!! 🙂 We’re in love with her!
April 9, 2011 @ 7:51 pm
Oh Misono 🙂 Those are adorable pictures! It’s so wonderful to see her with her eyes open now, she’s such a cutie! I love that ‘goofy face’ picture, it looks like she’s smiling. So cute! I can’t wait to see her again.
I’m happy she’s doing better now too, and I can’t even imagine how stressful that must have been. I think you’re doing so well! 🙂
Oh, and did you try the California baby things then? I thought I saw them on one of the pictures. Did you like it?
April 10, 2011 @ 3:23 am
Thank you Ann Helen! She’s still sleeping for much of the day, so there’s only small windows of time where she’s alert enough for her eyes to be open to take pictures. haha* 🙂 I can’t wait until you can see her again, too! Thank you for the warm wishes – we’re so glad she’s doing better now too!
The California Baby products are both great! We’ve used them for bathtime and during diaper changes. I can see why a lot of other mommies swear by them. Thanks so much again! 🙂
April 10, 2011 @ 2:00 am
åå‰ã‚‚ã‹ã‚ã„ã„ã—ã€æ¼¢å—ã‚‚ã‚ã‚‹ã‚“ã ã。
April 10, 2011 @ 3:32 am
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April 10, 2011 @ 4:58 pm
Misono. She is so so cute. so happy for you!
April 11, 2011 @ 2:31 am
Thank you so much! 🙂 How have you been? I miss you!
April 13, 2011 @ 6:01 am
She is just too cute! I’m so glad to hear she’s doing better and that you’re also recovering quickly. I can’t wait to meet her in person! =D
April 13, 2011 @ 2:46 pm
Thank you Hannie! 🙂
She’s doing so much better now and I am feeling back to my normal self! (Except the fact that I have some extra belly fat I need to work on over the next few months….) I can’t wait for you to meet her, either! ♥
April 13, 2011 @ 3:14 pm
Hey Misono!
This reminds me so much of what happened to Kosei! It also took me a while for my breastmilk to come in, he lost weight in the beginning, he had a lot of bilirubin in his blood, and so his doctor sent us to the hospital to get the ultraviolet therapy. He had to stay under this light panel for hours at a time, and I pumped breastmilk and fed it to him and they had to keep testing his blood over and over… oh man it was tough. I definitely understand how you felt, I felt so guilty and responsible somehow, but we really can’t beat ourselves up about it. I am so glad Mio didn’t have to go to the hospital for it :)!
Take good care during these first few weeks as a new mommy! Get rest, eat well, and have fun with your beautiful girl! She’s so gorgeous by the way, what a healthy baby! Good job, mom!
God bless your new family!!!
April 13, 2011 @ 3:29 pm
Hi Mie! Thank you so much for your comment!
Wow, I’m sorry to hear that you had a similar situation with Kosei – it really is tough when you’re already so overwhelmed with being a new parent and you just want to do everything right, and all these complications come up in the first few days. But you’re right, it’s nothing we should beat ourselves up about. Dan and I were reading this week that jaundice is actually pretty common and occurs in 25% of newborns. So that made me feel a little better… that it wasn’t really anything I did during my pregnancy/delivery that caused it. It just happens to a lot of babies in general. I’m so glad that Kosei got better (he looks so healthy now!), and am so relieved that Mio seems to have bounced back as well.
I’ve been taking other mommies’ advice and getting rest when I can when the baby sleeps, and have been eating a lot! Thanks so much for your support and let me know if you have any other advice during these first few weeks.
Lots of love to your family!