Some of the sweetest treats I’ve enjoyed during my pregnancy have come from my wonderful coworker and dear friend Tarrin! Throughout my pregnancy, she’s given me these gifts of various awesome handmade lollipops from mihow on Etsy. Made from real old-fashioned sugar (no corn syrup), they’re high-quality ‘pops that taste absolutely delicious!
Towards the beginning of my second trimester, when I was still feeling really queasy from morning sickness, Tarrin first introduced me to these amazing lollipops with the First Trimester lollipops, which is a mix of lemon and ginger:
These actually really helped with the nausea! I had bought boxes of Preggie Pops beforehand in hopes that they’d soothe my morning sickness, but they weren’t super helpful… so I was really excited to find a remedy that actually worked! 🙂
At the beginning of the third trimester, she got me these yummy matcha lollipops. I pretty much love matcha-flavored anything, so these went really fast!
And now that my due date is fast approaching, Tarrin just gave me these Due Date lollipops yesterday, which are wintergreen-flavored with fennel seeds. (Fennel seeds apparently help with the production of breast milk — I had no idea!) They’ll come in handy during labor, when I likely won’t be able to have any solid foods, as well as afterwards! 🙂
I’ve become a big fan of mihow’s lollipops after having the pleasure of trying all these varieties thanks to Tarrin! Dan has even snuck a couple here and there (even though they were meant for me… :P), and he’s commented on how great they are as well. I may have to order some myself and try some of the other intriguing flavors that are featured in her shop, even after I’m no longer pregnant! I love the variety of unique flavors, and the fact that some of them are geared towards helping with pregnancy woes — they make great gifts for mommies-to-be, or if you’re just a sweet-lover like me. 🙂
A sincere thank you to Tarrin for introducing me to these lollipops and repeatedly gifting them for me over the past few months! These delightful sweets and your thoughtfulness has made the more difficult aspects of pregnancy a little more bearable. ♥ You’re the best!
March 30, 2011 @ 9:15 am
those look awesome!! I’m not even preggo and I want some =))))
March 30, 2011 @ 11:03 pm
They’re uber yummy! 🙂
I recommend, preggers or not. 😉
March 30, 2011 @ 5:59 pm
I’m so glad that you’ve enjoyed them! I remember seeing the “First Trimester” pops on Etsy right after you announced your pregnancy and thinking, “PERFECT!” It has been fun to have a little gift series during the passing of trimesters–and to think it’s all coming to an end so soon!
P.S. I sent the link to this post to “mihow” and she tweeted it 🙂
March 30, 2011 @ 11:05 pm
They have been such a nice gift series! Thank you so much Tarrin!!! 🙂 I feel like I’ve been pregnant forever, but at the same time it’s kind of crazy that I’m so close to the end of it. Thanks for being such a great, supportive friend throughout it all.
I’m glad mihow liked my post! 🙂