Although we’d gotten baby essentials such as our crib and changing table new, two big ticket items we had not had to spend a penny on had been the infant car seat and stroller — my boss’s sister had very graciously let us borrow her Graco SnugRide travel system which her kids had outgrown. We thought we were all set in that department — until about a week ago, when Dan went to get the car seat inspected at the local police department to make sure he had installed it properly. (Apparently, 90% of parents don’t install their car seats properly — being the anal retentive worrywart that I am, I made sure that we got ours inspected to make sure that that would not be the case for our baby.)
Dan’s installation of the car seat was perfect — in fact, the police officer was really impressed, saying that it was the best installation job he’d ever inspected. There was a problem, however, with how old the car seat was and the fact that the mount showed wear and sun damage, and so the car seat itself failed the inspection. Apparently, you’re not supposed to use car seats that are over five years old period — the one we were borrowing was a little over five years old, but it looked to our untrained eyes like it was in really great condition so we were really surprised when we were told by the officer that he couldn’t pass the car seat. Five years seems like sort of a short lifespan for a car seat, especially if you plan to have multiple children to reuse it for, but I guess safety regulations can change a lot within that time.
As bummed as we were, we knew it was better to be safe than sorry, so we set out on our search to buy a brand new car seat. Which meant that ultimately, we ended up having to buy pretty much all of our big ticket items completely new, which we had been trying to avoid as cost-conscious new parents — but so it goes. Such is life.
And so we did our research — from Graco, Evenflo, Britax, to Chicco… but we ultimately ended up going with what my cousin Yuko had recommended to us when we visited her last September. The Baby Trend Flex Loc — affordable, manageable, and the #1 rated car seat in terms of safety. It can be used for a pretty long period of time, considering you can use it until your child is 30 lbs — which is great, especially with the American Academy of Pediatrics now recommending that you keep your child in a rear-facing car seat until the age of two. We went with the Grey Mist model, because of the soft, high-quality fabric and cushioning as well as the fact that it would be gender-neutral for potential future children. (Dan’s eyes are starting to hurt from all the pink!)
As for the stroller, after talking to a number of seasoned parents and reading various reviews, we decided against getting a full travel system to go with the car seat, at least for now. We were tempted to get the Jogger stroller that the car seat fits right into, after seeing how maneuverable and relatively light it was, but a lot of parents told us that the last thing we will want to deal with is a bulky travel system that will be a pain to unfold and put together. For myself personally, if I’m going to be taking the baby out on my own, I’ll want something I can unfold and snap the car seat into with one hand , unassisted, while holding the baby. So the Snap-n-Go Stroller seemed like the perfect answer. It’s a simple, light metal carriage frame that you can easily snap the car seat into and be on your way. I’ve seen a bunch of parents wheeling these around in the area, and it’s so low-profile and seems so much easier to handle than their travel system counterparts. You’re already carrying around so much extra baggage with the diaper bag and other baby essentials (not to mention the baby herself adds considerable weight), so why get an unnecessarily large car seat-and-stroller system on steroids? In a metropolitan location like the Bay Area, this seems like the way to go. We’ll definitely need to invest in a larger stroller when the baby’s older and can no longer fit in the infant car seat/carrier, but until then the Snap-n-Go should be enough for us.
Now that we’ve purchased these final items, we’re finally completely ready for our little girl. Since last Friday, I’m 37 weeks so the baby is full term and can come at any time in the next few weeks. All we can do now is wait patiently to see when she decides to make her much-anticipated arrival! 🙂
March 22, 2011 @ 12:39 pm
When I started reading this post, i thought to myself “Oh no they are going to end up buying a big travel system” and so I started to think of what my comment was going to be. I was incredibly happy that you got a snap and go!! We were parents who went through 4 car seats and 3 travel system strollers! Ben hated every car seat we had, until the very last one, which he happened to only be in for 3 months. I have a civic, and the travel system took up the whole trunk. We purchased the snap and go when Ben was about 6 months old and it was a life saver!! We loved it so much that my husband didnt want to get rid of it when Ben was out of his infant carseat. I would recommend actually “test-driving” larger strollers with your baby girl at the store. Ben disliked the large stroller, and we found out on a visit to DC. He now has a Baby-Trend, , and he loves it.
Oh and save your stroller receipts too. I returned one of his strollers 3 months after getting it and using it a few times.
CONGRATS again!!
March 23, 2011 @ 12:04 am
Hi Liz!
Thanks for your insightful comment! I’m so glad to hear that the Snap n’ Go worked well for you guys – it’s always reassuring to hear from parents who’ve already been there that something ended up working well for them. I can’t believe you went through so many car seats and strollers! I’m glad that you guys found one that worked for Ben, though. Hopefully what we got will work for our baby, too! (But as you mentioned, yes, we will keep the receipts!)
Thanks so much again for sharing your experience! It’s always helpful to hear from experienced parents! 🙂
March 22, 2011 @ 1:32 pm
Good job on securing those two items. From what I hear it pays to do your homework on carseats and strollers especially. And yes, carseats do “expire”, something I learned recently too.
March 23, 2011 @ 12:05 am
Especially with a safety mechanism like a car seat, it really does pay to do some research before you go out and buy one. I was just reading that kids need to be in booster seats until age 8-12, depending on how big they are, and I was just thinking that I don’t remember ever being in one as a child. Safety regulations have gotten a lot stricter in the past couple decades… but of course, it’s probably for the better. 🙂
March 23, 2011 @ 7:37 am
Yeah, definitely. Well, I’m sure you know (and will know even more) safety is a #1 priority and as my old co-worker used to say “safety is non-negotiable [with kids]”.. 🙂
March 24, 2011 @ 11:25 pm
So true!
Mio’s New Stroller: The Quinny Zapp Xtra | Coupled Confessions
September 15, 2011 @ 7:05 am
[…] The car seat and Snap-n-Go stroller that we got from Baby Trend earlier this year has been serving us well for the past few months […]