Our hearts go out to everyone in Japan. We’ve been watching this tragic disaster unfold on the news since last night, and it’s been devastating to witness all the damage and heartbreak that was wrought by the worst earthquake and tsunamis to slam Japan in a century.
We’ve confirmed that my grandparents and relatives on both sides of our family are safe this morning. Thank you to everyone who has expressed their concern. (For those who are trying to find or reach someone in Japan, as well as those who have information on anyone there, Google has launched a People Finder in the wake of this disaster.)
The Bay Area has issued a tsunami warning and a voluntary evacuation for the coastal areas, and we’re still waiting on BART to make a decision on whether they will halt service this morning (hence why I’m not at work yet). We are pretty sure that the effects on the Bay Area will be pretty minimal, but it’s still unnerving.
Japan is still experiencing heavy aftershocks and of course faces a grave crisis and a long road to recovery and rebuilding from the widespread calamitous damage and destruction. Please continue to keep Japan in your thoughts and prayers, and find out how you can help.
March 11, 2011 @ 10:45 am
Thank you for posting this so soon… 🙂
I’m glad to hear that your relatives are all safe!! 🙂
I have relatives in Sendai..where the earthquake hit mostly…I’m realllly praying their okay and everyone else…I just can’t believe it.
March 13, 2011 @ 1:35 am
Thanks Owin!
Oh no – I hope your relatives in Sendai are safe! It’s really difficult to watch the news… it seems like the nightmare just won’t end. 🙁
Hope for Japan | Coupled Confessions
March 19, 2011 @ 11:36 pm
[…] we reported immediately after the earthquake and tsunami, we have confirmed that all of our family and friends […]