We were spoiled this weekend by the good company of visiting friends. Not only did we get to see Vee on Saturday, but my friend Sylvia flew in from New Jersey on Sunday for a business trip, so I got to see her over lunch as well! 🙂

We braved the rain to have a delicious Middle Eastern lunch at La Mediterranée in Pacific Heights — the food there is amazing!

lunch at La Méditerranée

froyo with Sylvia in Pacific Heights

After lunch, we grabbed some froyo at Yoppi next door. I’ve known Sylvia for as long as I can remember — we became fast friends at summer camp one year (we must’ve still been in elementary school!), and were pen pals for years. 🙂 I’m grateful that we still keep in touch and can see each other from time to time, even though we are on opposite sides of the country.